Trevor Walton
The October Progress Gym Member of the Month is Trevor Walton. Trevor has impressed me from Day 1. He’s ability to crack on, consistently with a high level of effort is impressive. Trevor is never afraid to ask questions or give new exercises a ‘go’. I asked Trevor to write a testimonial a few weeks back…take it away Trevor:-
“Six months ago I made what has turned out to be one of my better decisions over the last few years – I joined Progress Gym. Being a mere 57 years young I’d convinced myself that I could only ever “go through the motions” with my training and that nothing would really change. How wrong I was; with help and support from everyone at the gym, including clients, random photographers as well as all of the staff ( with particular thanks to Harry!) I’m feeling better than I have since I can’t remember, I’m feeling fitter, stronger, more confident. There’s always a warm welcome, staff are all very knowledge and clearly committed to their work – a big thank you to Rob and the team. Long may it continue. Progress – not just a gym, it’s a lifestyle – oh and I’ve lost 4″ from my waist. Thank you!”
57! This might help to shatter a few stereotypes that are held about Progress.
Here’s Trevor’s PT Harry Down:-
“Trevor joined me early in 2014 with the desire to change the way he looked and felt. His low fitness levels and high body fat percentage had driven him to make a change in the way he was living his life, and seek out help in the form of myself. His progress in under a year has been dramatic and visually he looks completely different. Trevor’s defining characteristic however is his drive and open-mindedness. He is willing to try new things, new training styles and continue to do this even when pressured by workload. Also a frequent attendee in the Work:Out classes he is there come rain or shine.
Mental attitude, fitness levels and health have all change for the better. Keep up the good work and continue not only to push yourself but also enjoy the experience.
Achievements so far include-
6.5kg lost, 4inches lost from naval, 3 inches lost from waist”.
CONGRATULATIONS Trevor and also to Harry!