January 2025 - Isaac Hammond

Manners, respect, gratitude✅
Consistency, intensity, modesty✅
If I were to be asked to define the preferred traits of a Member, I’d probably just point at @isaac_hammond_ & say “do that”
Isaac makes time to interact with energy & genuine interest, whilst being truly present. Isaac applies himself with focus & intensity, whilst being respectful of Team, Members & kit- everything gets put away. Isaac will ask for advice, & listen, whilst also doing his own research & learning
Isaac- CONGRATULATIONS- you are the January 2025 Progress Member of the Month- thoroughly deserved!🤝
December 2024 - Leanne Mackenzie – MEMBER OF THE YEAR

We are *DELIGHTED* to announce the Progress 2024 Member of the year as @leannemackenzie_pl
The Team were asked to vote & when the votes were counted up Leanne was a clear winner 🗳️
Consistent, invested, interactive, respectful of kit/fellow Members/Team, Leanne is a pleasure to host & whoosh- she can lift too!🙌✅
Willing to speak up, contribute to in-house events, competitive athlete & more- Leanne- you do GREAT🙌🫡
November 2024 - Lorna Quirke

Member of the Month for November…is Lorna Quirke😊👏👏👏
Lorna is 👸 of introducing new people to Progress. We’d rather not spend funds on expensive advertising to attract new Members- instead we’d much rather spend it on new kit & enhancing the experience here & Lorna helps us do just that by regularly bringing along family members & friends! Thank YOU Lorna 🤝
Not only that, Lorna is consistent, focused, determined, interactive, respectful of kit & fellow Members & has seen some awesome physique & performance improvements whilst working alongside @rapportpt_
We’re loving your journey Lorna, well done you❤️🖤
October 2024 - Becca England

Progress People- our October Member of the Month
@becca_england226 our boxes
Beyond being focused & consistent, Becca is friendly, interactive, modest enough to solicit guidance, respectful of kit, Members & Team & routinely a smiley ray of shine- with results that speak for themselves
Thoroughly deserved- CONGRATULATIONS Becca!
If Carlsberg did Progress Members…
August 2024 - Brad Flippin

I ‘inherited’ Brad with the equipment I bought to set up Progress, in 2010!
Indeed, for the last (almost!) 14 years, & right through COVID, Brad has been a staunch supporter of all things Progress & we that
Since 2010 Brad has trained 3-5 times a week, attended many Member events, been a formidably prompt payer, been courteous & engaging with Team & Members & never dropped a single weight/stack
When I told Brad he was the August Progress Member of the Month I got a typically self deprecating response- “but I’ve not gone through a crazy transformation or anything like that”. Maybe not Brad, but you make running a gym E A S Y
Thanks for being onboard & CONGRATULATIONS!
July 2024 - Matt Derrick

Matt is an absolute Progress
From his 1st day with us (way back at the original Progress site!) Matt has been relentlessly consistent, focused & diligent & the strength & size results back this up!
Alongside this, Matt demonstrates exemplary manners & a respect for those around him which goes to show that it’s certainly possible to be simultaneously advanced & modest
Equipment is handled with care, Team & fellow Members are treated with respect & given time for conversation whilst Matt keeps his head down & gets the work done, fitting his workouts around full time work, being a partner & father
@gymprogres is the July 2024 Progress Member of the Month!
Nice one Matt
June 2024 - Lauren Copland

I am D-E-L-I-G-H-T-E-D to announce the effervescent @coplandlaurenj1 as the Progress Member of the Month for June🤩🙌
Lauren brings A-game energy to Progress. Committed & focused, chatty & interactive, respectful of Team, Members & kit. Lauren is a pleasure to host
With a shift in training style, Lauren has taken to Powerlifting & is now putting this training to great use by competing under the expert guidance of coach Sam @dualstrengthcoaching 👏👏👏
Lauren…congratulations & thank you for choosing Progress
It’s safe to say- we LOVE having you here❤️🖤✨
May 2024 - Paige Thompson

We’re delighted to announce the Member of the Month for May 2024 is @paigey.tea 🙌👏👏👏
Paige exhibits strong consistency, focus & application, along with a thoughtful & effective exercise selection & execution ✅
Paige brings a calm, yet productive energy & shows respect for the equipment, Team & fellow Members
Congratulations Paige- keep doing what you’re doing!☺️
April 2024 - Tom McConnell

Tom’s been a Member since day 1- 10th December 2010. His consistency of attendance & the energy he brings is formidably impressive
I’ve never had to ask Tom to put his weights away, he just does it automatically
I’ve never had to ask Tom to consider how he treats the equipment or his fellow Members, he simply respects the kit & those around him
I’ve never had to ask Tom to pay his membership, it’s been there, in full, every month for nearly 14 years
Tom makes the work lives of the Team & I just a little bit easier, every time he brings his calm, warm, smiley self to site
You can rely on Tom. I know this to be true. He was the 1st person I ever trusted to work for Progress, he never let me down & his performance paved the way for every single Team member since 🤝
Nice one, Tom- You are forever welcome at Progress❤️🖤
Ps arms for days too! 💪💪💪🫡
March 2024 - Viv Courts

Progress Member of the Month, for March 2024, is Viv Courts🙌👏👏👏
Viv ROCKS! She brings a smiley, warm, consistent energy to site, e v e r y time she’s here🫶
Consistent, invested & committed to making the most of the time & energy she invests here, Viv trains with purpose, utilising Group Exercise & what’s she’s learned from @rapportpt_ & the results are clear to see
Well done Viv- we❤️🖤having you here!
February 2024 - Christine Pasek

Consistent, focused, determined, polite, friendly & modest enough to solicit professional guidance- Christine a lot of our important boxes here at Progress
Here’s Christine’s Personal Trainer @rapportpt_ with her own words-
“Christine is a real pleasure to train & I can honestly say she deserves member of the month tenfold.
Throughout working together Christine’s confidence in herself & her training has grown beyond belief & it’s been wonderful to witness. There have been challenges along to way. However, Christine is persistent & continues to push through!
I look forward to seeing her continue being her best self.”
That’s the stuff
CONGRATULATIONS to @chrissip36
February 2024 - Graham Hill

If you’ve spent any time with Graham, be it spotting him, talking between sets or watching him lift you’ll likely have noticed a truly youthful energy & passion for lifting
Graham strikes a strong balance when on-site- bringing a wonderfully consistent & cheerful disposition & taking time to interact with Team & Members🤝…whilst when it’s time to lift- Graham is all business💪
Respectful of kit, Team & fellow Members, Graham makes running a gym easier for all concerned🤝
Did I mention he’s currently repping more than 140kg on Flat Bench Press? 👀 Yes, he moves some ‘serious tin’, that many a half (or a third!) of his age would be proud of💪
CONGRATULATIONS Graham- you are the January Progress Member of the Month!👏👏👏👏
January 2024 - Steve Wallace

Steeeeve! You are a ⭐️shining⭐️ example of so much that we value in a Member
✅Always takes time to check-in with Team🤝
👍Focused/committed/consistent exerciser
✅Modest enough to seek out additional knowledge
👍Respectful of & interactive with fellow Members
✅Respectful of equipment
👍Brings an appreciative & warm energy to site
Steve- you are the Progress Member of the Month for December 2023- BRAVO!🙌👏👏👏💪
December 2023 - Ollie Patten – Member of the year

CONGRATULATIONS to Ollie Patten on winning the 2023 PROGRESS MEMBER OF THE YEAR!
This one is chosen by the Team & so reflects many varied & informed opinions. Ollie has put a shift in since day & it’s been an absolute pleasure to host him these past 12 months
I’ll leave the main reflection to @inspired_pt who coaches Ollie-
“Consistent and determined. Ollie was an easy pick for the member of the year. Not only due to what I’ve seen him achieve in our time working together but because of the compliments and acknowledgement others have passed on to me in recognition of his efforts. He’s polite and reliable. Has a genuine interest in what he’s doing with an open mind to learn and understand the process. Team that with his effort in sessions and his results over the last year come as no surprise.
Be Inspirational - That’s Ollie.”
October 2023 - Adam Hugill

October Member of the Month is @adzhugill
Relentlessly consistent
Respectful of fellow Members, Team&kit
Supportive&loyal to the Progress ethos
Smashed charity Walk2Weymouth, raising hundreds of £ for Mind in Somerset
Adam! Your commitment to consistency&application (&results!) whilst spinning the plates of full time career, home life, parenting & more is a pleasure to see
PS- you got me through Walk2Weymouth!
CONGRATS Adz- thoroughly deserved!
September 2023 - Jack Coombes

“Jack(ed) Coombes gets.it.DONE 🔥
Relentlessly consistent, hyper-focused, Jack picks quality movements & executes them with passion & intent
Jack brings his A-game, every workout. Along with it is a smile, 1st class manners & respect for the kit here. Oh & some epic vascularity!🐍💪
@jack.coombs September 2023 Progress Member of the Month👏👏👏
Jack- thanks for choosing Progress & nice work fella- your award is thoroughly deserved!”
July 2023 - Kasia Clarke

Hello @kas_11 and CONGRATULATIONS on deservedly winning the Member of the month for July🥳
✅Focused & consistent, Kas gets it done
✅06:00 or whenever necessary, Kas is here & putting in a shift
✅Respectful of kit & fellow Members, Kas takes care of the kit & puts away what she uses
✅Methodical & technically proficient, Kas selects & executed movements with intensity & purpose & the results show!💪
Solid work & thoroughly deserved Kas!🤝👏👏👏
June 2023 - Tom Mackenzie

Consistent, focused, diligent, polite, interactive, selfless-@tommack2[✔️]all the Progress boxes & then some! 👏 ☺️
Lifter, competitor, supporter & recomposition-er too!
Here’s coach@dualstrengthcoaching with his words…
“An interactive, dedicated and motivated strongman who not only pushes himself but others to get the best out of themselves and their training.
Tom has firstly shown a superb effort and application throughout his most recent prep for his first Strongman Competition, picking up some very impressive results too in the process, and a big PB in the process repping his previous 1RM for a impressive 8.
As well as competing and dedicating himself to his own craft, a stand out point for me has to be Toms extra help out of his own training, giving up his time to support and encourage and help other lifters out at our Powerlifting Competitions hosted on site.
Consistent, hard working, and reliable means it’s no surprise Toms picked up member of the month for June.
Thoroughly well deserved Tom.”
Congrats Tom- you are the Progress Member of the Month!👏 👏 👏 🥳
May 2023 - Billy Cox & Tay Yeo

This doesn’t happen often but how could we not award a DOUBLE Member of the month for May?💥
Focused and consistent doesn’t begin to describe the last few months for this pair…👌
…& results? Take a ⬅️⬅️& 👀🔥
☯️Billy’s steady, assured pace is the effective complement to Taylor’s drive & determination & between the pair they’ve got the perfect combination
Chaps- quietly & modestly you’ve been ploughing along & we see you 👏👏👏
Here’s @evolve.p.t with a few words!
“The dynamic duo I didn’t know I needed 🥲
Billy and Tay both came to me at the start of the year looking to inject some enjoyment into their training and level up their physiques. 17 weeks later and a combined 29KG of bodyweight dropped. These boys truly set the standard and represent what can be achieved when you’re disciplined, hard working and stick to the plan. Ive not just seen a mind blowing physical transformation but also a mental one too and it’s been an absolute pleasure to see these guys develop during the coaching process so far. The potential is there for both of these boys to achieve big things going forwards and I’m excited to help take them there.
Both utilised my online coaching services to achieve this transformation which includes training and nutritional programming, weekly check ins, training footage reviews but no 1 to 1 time on the gym floor. “
Yes @bzml_fit & @_taylifts you NAILED IT✨
April 2023 - Corey Smith

The April Member of the Month is @coreyyy_smithhh
It’s official- The dude lifts ‘mucho weiiiight’ with exemplary form💪👌
Behind the numbers is a focused & dedicated individual.
Someone willing to learn from & listen to others.
Someone who trusts the process & won’t compromise on preparation, quality of movement or technique for the sake of ego numbers.
Along with Corey’s commitment to his own results you’ll find him a resourceful & open ‘book’, willing to share with & motivate others.
Enjoy the journey Corey- congrats on your award & prizes👏👏👏👏
March 2023 - Courtney Tucker

Hello Member of the Month👋🥳
@courtbanks has been SMASHING it!
Consistency, focus, application, focus, determination, focus, results and did I mention Courtney’s focused?👊
Always takes time to check in when she arrives and on exit, Courtney has been working alongside @dynamichealthandfitness and the results, including increased lifting proficiency and confidence, are clear to see!
Here’s Kelly-
“Courtney has really taken her training up a notch. She has an amazing goal that she is working towards and has not lost sight of it. Her commitment and application to her training has been fantastic which shows in her results.
Weights are going up and her body composition is changing.
Courtney isn’t scared of attacking anything I throw at her with enthusiasm and a smile.”
Strong work both and congrats Courtney!👏👏👏
February 2023 - Becci Priday

It’s refreshing & reassuring to see another female Progress Member thoroughly embrace lifting weights👊
Often before dawn, Becci can be found ploughing through a workout on the gym floor. Barbells, dumbbells, machines…Becci utilises all options with energy & zeal to build strength & shape, confidence & competence.
Further movement comprises Group Ex in Performance, Ladies Rugby and 🐶 walking with @lock_tom - she doesn’t sit still for long!
A positive energy, strong application & some super results mean that @beccipriday you’re the Progress Member of the Month for February 2023!
January 2023 - Jack Fisher
Jack’s been head down, blinkers on, ploughing through some seriously productive workouts👊
Friendly and interactive outside of those important focused sets, Jack is modest enough to solicit advice and strong enough to takes sets through to those ‘growth reps’ that create the magic💪✨
Here’s @jf.physique PT @evolve.p.t with his own words-
“I’ve been working with Jack for 8 months now and it’s been an absolute pleasure to work with him and see him develop into a real athlete. His application and willingness to learn has seriously levelled up the quality of his training and he really sets the standard for the people around him. He displays such resilience and consistency across all areas of his life and is why he’s made so much improvements to his physique. I’m genuinely so excited to help Jack fulfil his abundance of potential in natural bodybuilding as we set our sights on his first prep in 2024.”
Nice work both! 👏👏👏
Jack- thank YOU for choosing us, you are the January Progress Member of the Month!
December 2022 - Martin Keane

Hey @martingkeane due to your outstanding results, consistency, application, willingness to learn, politeness, energy, commitment to both Gym and Performance and many, many more welcome attributes you are…🥁🥁🥁
The Progress 2022 MEMBER OF THE YEAR!
Here’s Martin’s PT @liamannettspt
“Congratulations to Martin on the Progress Member of the year award. It has been a pleasure to be able to work with Martin this year and see him transform from a non-gym goer into a hard-working lover of all things training!
Since working with Martin at the beginning of 2022, he hasn't skipped a beat and the results do really show. Immersing into learning about his training and nutrition he currently sits with a total weight loss of 11KG, large improvements in body composition and strength increases across the board. It wasn't all smooth sailing with persistent niggles along the way but this never stopped him from turning up to every session and giving his 100% whilst entertaining all of us!
As well as working together on a one-to-one basis, Martin has integrated himself into the whole of Progress, attending Spin classes on a weekly basis, Flow at weekends, many of the other classes and the socials!
There's still plenty more to come but congratulations again mate!”
Indeed- @dynamichealthandfitness @im_spo @jojofenner and @clairep04 have all played their part too🤝👊
November 2022 - Lindsay Gray

Lindsay Gray, you have done (and continue to do) stunningly well and are the
Progress Member of the Month for November!
Your application, consistency, focus and results have been impressive and a pleasure to witness.
Clearly, you have hit upon a strong and effective partnership with @rapportpt and here is Amanda with her words...
*I am so proud of Lindsay, despite being completely out of her comfort zone, she's truly dug deep- week in and week out and always put the effort in. Lindsay knew what she wanted to achieve and was determined to smash those goals from the get-go, all she needed was a little kelp, and boom she's lost 30kg.
Since her confidence has grown tenfold in her lifting. in the gym environment and in herself, I've loved being a part of her journey so far." Hey Lindsay, thanks for choosing us and, again, WELL DONE!
October 2022 - Tamsin Job

It is with great pleasure that we announce @modeltamsin as the October Progress Member of the Month!
I believe that Tamsin would agree with me that when she got to Progress she was a little overawed…
…in no time at all she clearly clicked with @dynamichealthandfitness and has not looked back since! (Well, except to see how far she’s come along!)
Tamsin’s improvement in confidence has been a pleasure to witness. She’s now confident in all areas of the gym- among free weights and machines- and the results, both physical and mental, are clear to see
Here’s Tamsin’s Personal Trainer Kelly, with her own words:-
“Tamsin’s work ethic and application to her programming is second to none. She came to me with some specific goals and what she would like to achieve. We sat down and put a plan together and Tamsin ran with it.
She has never missed a beat regardless of what I throw at her and how much I challenge her.
Her inner strength and physical strength have grown beyond belief and really advocates the Dynamic brand.
To be apart of her journey and witness her achieve her goals step by step has been an absolute pleasure.
I’m so excited to see Tamsin’s journey continue”
September 2022 - Tom Lafford

Tom Lafford is the Progress September Member of the Month and it's thoroughly deserved.
Tom's journey has been a pleasure to witness. He's stacked some serious tissue onto his frame and the vast majority of his workouts are early doors before most people have got out of bed.
Focused, and intense when he needs to be, Tom ploughs through large, compound movements. Receptive and modest enough to ask for advice or a spot, Tom has built confidence and strength and was suggested for MOTM by more than one Team member!
Nice one Laffy! On we go.
August 2022 - James Fling

Flinger-J! 👏👏👏
A very well-deserved choice for the August Member of the Month @flingjames is a pleasure to host as a Member- consistent and hard-working, James is incredibly polite and popular with the Team🥳
Seeing James's confidence grow within himself and his lifting has truly been awesome to witness. It really is a pleasure to coach James, he is a regular member of one of my Forge classes and he is missed if he can't make it. Very well deserved James! Great stuff 💪💪💪🥳”
“James is a total pleasure to coach in classes. He’s dedicated, receptive to feedback and works like a Trojan!
Every time I coach James I’m always blown away by the improvements he’s made, in his strength, his technique and in his confidence! He’s not afraid to work hard and he always does it with a smile🥳🙌🏼”
“James displays phenomenal consistency through regularly attending the Forge classes I coach and always brings intensity and the willingness to learn and level up his training. He’s extremely receptive, polite and a pleasure to coach. The progress he has made over the last few months has been unreal to see.”
Strong stuff James☺️
Thank YOU for choosing us!🤝
July 2022 - Paulina Podsiadlowicz

We see the work you put in, the concentration you hold and the enjoyment you get out of training here.
We see the focus, the commitment and the RESULTS!
Paulina Podsiadlowicz you are the Progress Member of the Month for July, congrats!
Here's Paulina's Personal Trainer @evolve.m.t
"Since day 1 it's been an absolute pleasure to coach Paulina along her lifting journey. Her energy and smile are infectious and I don't think I've come across someone so resilient and hard-working across the board in all areas of her life. She is always pushing to develop her knowledge and understanding in and out of her sessions.
When we started working together Paulina had her sights set on competing in a bodybuilding show in the bikini category so we sat down and mapped out a realistic timeline to take us there. Ever since that point her training execution, intensity and application have come on mindblowing amounts and I'm really excited to see the next chapter of her journey unfold as we set our sights on a photo shoot and show in 23/24.
Bravo both- the team works!
June 2022 - Jordan Coleman

Jordan Coleman guess what...
CONGRATULATIONS you are the Progress Member of the Month for June 2022.
Focused and consistent, Jordan gets stuck in to her workouts, no fuss.
Dedicated and intense. Jordan attacks her workouts, but is modest enough to ask for advice and take on board suggestions when they re offered.
Spinning multiple plates. Jordan still makes time for her workouts, aka 'me time' and the results are clear to see!
May 2022 - Matt Turner

Yes Matt!
Matt has been on board since July 2021 and, in that time, has managed to shed 4 stone of body fat.
Consistent, focused, diligent and polite. Matt always takes time to warm-up. mobilise and train with intensity.
Matt always respects the kit and Team and that is appreciated greatly!
Softly spoken, Matt let's his results do the talking.
Congrats Matt - you are the May Progress Member of the Month.
April 2022 - Cara Rogers

Yes Cara Rogers, Member of the month you are!
Cara gets on with it and it shows!
Alongside working. being a mother to 2 children under 7, and renovating a house, Cara makes time for her workouts here and, when she can't make it in, she knocks out workouts at home instead!
Cara's workouts are based around a balanced resistance training programme and it's great to see yet another female here who sees and acknowledges the benefit of focusing on the weights.
Nice one Cara - thoroughly deserved.
March 2022 - Sian Brammer

We love having Sian at Progress. She brings energy and joy to site and is a pleasure to host - every session!
Here's her Personal Trainer. Brad Down of @inspired pt, with his words on Sian:-
"If you could bottle Sians enthusiasm you'd make a mint. From our first session together she's given her highest effort and is atways willing to try.
Involved in a serious car accident which put her into a position most of us could never imagine, there's a strong will about Sian that gives you the feeling she is far from defeated.
A happy, bubbly character with a permanent smile on her face from the moment she walks in the door. A pleasure to train and a laugh to be around.
A true inspiration."
GO Sian! You are the Progress Member of the Month for March 2022
February 2022 - Tomasz Drozd

Tomasz Drozd is the Progress February Member of the Month! 🤩📣👏
Tomasz joined Progress after the last lockdown in 2021 and has increased his gym-confidence, knowledge and strength 💪 He's intelligent and mature enough to ask for assistance. Consistent and invested sufficiently to make it to the gym even working around night shifts.
Tomasz is a regular used of the InBody body composition analyser we have at Progress and uses the InBody app to track his results. Using the InBody we can see that Tomasz has lost almost 13kg of fat. Not only that, he has managed to retain almost 100% of his muscle- no mean feat when losing such a large amount of body fat. He's done this by following structured resistance training, eating for his goals and staying focused. 👊👊
Tomasz - CONGRATS - you are the Progress Member of the Month! 🎉
January 2022 - Zac Francis

The January Progress Member of the Month is Zac Francis!
Zac embodies what we look for, respect and appreciate in our Members annnnnd Guns on he!
Here’s @evolve.p.t with his own words-
“It’s been an absolute pleasure working with Zac for the past year and he progression and development I have seen to his physique, training and nutrition has been phenomenal. Since day one Zac has always been extremely consistent, receptive, and hard working. His positivity and energy is infectious to my other clients and members of the gym.
In the past 4 months we have undertaken a fat loss phase to which he applied himself incredibly well and seen a 7kg drop while improving performance in the gym and getting stronger.
Looking forward to making more progress with Zac in 2022. I really believe he has so much potential in whatever he sets out to do.”
Thanks Aaron and CONGRATS Zac Francisco 😊
December 2019 - Matt Knight
Consistent, invested, determined. There are many, many of our Members who fit the description. When there are so many it’s not easy to select our Member of the Year. We stepped up the search to find someone ‘next level’. Someone relentlessly consistent, thoroughly invested, with a determination to succeed that exists in a select few. We set out to identify someone with immense focus on their own ‘game’, but who also spreads wisdom and support to others. We wanted to single someone out for their ability to succeed and to celebrate the success of those around them. Did we find such a being? We did indeed. We found our human Hulk, larger than life, hiding in plain sight. Previous winner of Member of the Month and monthly gym competitions, supporter/spotter/shouter at our Strongman and Powerlifting events, full time ‘Morning Crew’ member and now a member of the Great Britain Masters powerlifting team to compete in 2020. The 2019 Progress Member of the Year is Matt Knight! Matt, I look up to you. Thank you for choosing Progress.
November 2020 - Callum Anderson
Callum Anderson- you are the Progress Member of the Month for November 2019! Congratulations Callum! Your consistency, commitment and work ethic shine through. Your dedication and willingness to learn are clear to see. Callum turns up, on time, every time. With zero fuss he knuckles down and puts a shift in with each workout, consistently scaring the life out of our Slam Balls! That’s the way to do it 😊 Callum regularly works alongside Liam Annetts, of L.A.P.T. Here’s some proud words from Liam:- “Callum and I have been working together for just over three years now. During this time he has gone from strength to strength! Callum has made some impressive increases in all of his main compound lifts which are the main focus in our 1:1 sessions - and he's still hitting new milestones to this day! Alongside this we have utilized other forms of training such as Kettlebells, Maces, and Indian clubs to improve overall mobility, strength and flexibility - keeping sessions fun and functional. The stand-out with Callum is his consistency and application to training. Rarely ever missing 1:1 sessions and always keeping on top of programming, throughout the week and at weekends. Amazing work, and much deserved.” Varied and effective programming indeed Liam! Congratulations again Callum- the epitome of Progress! Your prize bundle and certificate awaits 😊
October 2019 - Kate Rendall
It is with the utmost pleasure and pride that I can announce Kate Rendall as the Progress Member of the Month for October 2019. Kate's been on board at Progress since late 2018 and in that time has proven to be focused, determined and dedicated. If there's an obstacle Kate will, with 'game face' ON, find a way over, around, under or through it. Good day, bad day, it matters not. Kate knows the sound of the plates, the feel of the bar, the smell of the chalk WILL improve mind and muscle- that on the other side of the workout is a strengthened outlook and body. It's been our pleasure to host you these past months Kate, to see you take your Olympic Lifting to another level and enter the realms of competition. Thank YOU for choosing Progress- we rather hope you'll stick around 😉 Kate Rendall- CONGRATULATIONS! Thanks to Optimum Nutrition for supporting our award and to Polly for being a pretty epic training partner 😉
September 2019 - Steven Membury
Steve Membury is relentless. Come rain or shine, 06:00AM or shortly after, Steve is bowling through the Progress doors. His attendance since joining has been astounding. Energy on arrival is complemented by a no-nonsense approach- headphones in, weights lifted, cardio knocked off- 2 cans of Caribbean NOCCO and it's out the door! Job DONE! Steve has recently been on a 'cut'. Clearly he has 'all his ducks lined up' as he's managed to lose some serious fat AND hold on to plenty of muscle, no mean feat! Congratulations Membo! You are the Progress Member of the Month for September 2019 and your bundle of Reflex goodies awaits. More than a gym
August 2019 - Clive Bowditch
Clive Bowditch has been on board for a shade over 12 months and in that time has been relentlessly impressive. Workout after workout is nailed. Consistent, intense and focused. Clive eats up workouts and spits out results. Clive often cycles in to the gym, has embraced many different elements of training in both Gym and Performance and is modest enough to speak up if he’s wanting to try something new or get a 2nd opinion. Clive- congratulations- not only on your awesome results over the last 12 months, but also on being the August Member of the Month here at Progress! When Leanne was taking our picture, Clive jokingly said "I forgot to breathe in!" I said "Don't worry, you don't need to!" Looking sharp Clive- keep it up!
July 2019 - Darren Devlin
I am incredibly pleased to announce that the Progress Member of the Month for July is Darren Devlin. Darren is the epitome of what I look for in a Member- friendly, consistent, persistent, diligent, focused and able to ‘flick the switch’ and get down to business. Darren has built a seriously impressive amount of muscle and strength with a sensible and intense training style. No stranger to the burning pain of heavy training, he clearly has no issue taking his mind and body to new levels of intensity. Next time you have the opportunity to watch Darren Squat or Bench Press- take it! Always making time to speak to those working the desk, Darren also shows patience, selflessness and maturity to make time to enthusiastically encourage and proficiently spot others. He’s a great guy to have around and truly adds to the Progress energy! Congratulations Darren, you thoroughly deserve your award and Reflex prizes. Well done!
June 2019 - Ryan Gordon
Progress Member of the Month for June is our very own Rhino- Ryan Gordon. Compared to some others Ryan is relatively new to Progress, joining in February 2018. However, what Ryan has achieved in that time is nothing short of astonishing. Ryan’s continued dramatic fat loss coupled with a prodigious increase in ability and strength is testament to some stunning commitment and strength of mind. Some focus on losing fat, some on getting strong- Ryan’s sunk his teeth into both goals and achieved them! Ryan is sufficiently modest to often be the first to complement fellow lifters on their achievements. Knowing exactly what it takes to see results, he notices and acknowledges those around him who are striving on their own journeys. This is a wonderful trait to have- support builds everyone up. Working 2 jobs, balancing other life commitments and still finding the time to train effectively and prep/eat in line with his goals means Ryan is able to generate and enjoy results whilst still living his life to the fullest. Ryan has been modest and savvy enough to employ the assistance of a professional on his journey. Here’s his Personal Trainer, Aaron, with his own words:- “When myself and Ryan began working together, he had already made a strong start to his progression at a previous gym and was ready to further amp up his training in a new environment. Simply from spending time showing him around the facilities here at Progress I could feel his desire and focus to continue striving forward and it’s fair to say we are well and truly doing that! Ryan’s focus and commitment to his training has been flawless from the moment we began working together, always giving 110% to every session. The 11th if May saw Progress Gym & Dual Strengths first in-house powerlifting competition, something Ryan immediately took and interest in. We diverted our attentions to this, whilst we had spent time develop a solid squat, bench and deadlift, this was a brand new discipline for Ryan. To say he impressed me would be an understatement, very disciplined and methodical throughout the whole build up and day itself, hitting 7/9 lifts! On top of this his measurements continued to improve, getting even leaner whilst developing further strength! Ryan its been a joy to work with you and this recognition of your hard work is truly deserved. I look forward to seeing you progress!” Charge on Rhino!
May 2019 - David Cox
Progress Member of the Month for May is the enthusiastic and youthful David Cox! David is one of the growing number of Senior Members at Progress. He joined at the start of 2018 and has been a consistent and diligent trainer since, always taking time to speak on his way in to the gym. Ably assisted by Kelly Green, of Dynamic Health and Fitness, David has increased confidence, performance and gained some visible results! Here’s Kelly with her own words:- ‘’This is so well deserved and true example of how age is just a number. David has been training with me for just over a year now. He has issues with his knees and it’s been our aim to work around these issues to allow him to continue to train and keep moving. He consistently joins me in the Spin45 classes and has two PT sessions per week. The key to David’s success is consistency. He always gives 100 percent and it shows in his progress. He has grown from strength to strength and continually surprises me. He is a pleasure to work with and may the laughs continue. Congratulations David.’’ Indeed, David is testament that with application you can see progress, at any age! Thanks to Reflex for supplying the bulk of the prize bundle too!
April 2019 - Sam Jolley & Liam Tinsely
April sees the award of a dual Member of the Month for the first time in my memory! The two winners lift together, push each other and are always glad to see the other do well. Consistent support of this kind is gold dust! If you can find someone who drives you on to be your best, who congratulates you when you reach new heights and who is consistently reliable- keep hold of them! Liam Tinsley joined Progress in January 2011, the month after we opened, and has been a rock ever since. Consistent, focused and willing to take on the more complex and challenging movements, Liam has added some serious muscle tissue and strength in his time at Progress. Always a friendly face, it’s a pleasure to have Liam on board. Sam Jolley trains alongside Liam. Sam’s Progress path has been a varied one- but I’m sure he’ll tell you that he’s now fully ‘on board’. The almost weekly reports on Deadlift PBs, from the two training partners, always brings me a smile. I love our Members seeing results and are so enthused by exercise. Sam keeps Liam on track, Liam keeps Sam on track and they both bring something different to the party. Between the pair of them they’ve done fantastically well, especially the last 12 months. Congratulations Sam and Liam on winning a joint Progress Member of the Month award! We'll be happy to hand over your Optimum Nutrition bundle the next time you're here!
March 2019 - Lin Hann
…and here’s a lady who clearly chooses her choices wisely! Lin Hann is the March Progress 'Member of the Month' and the very definition of why Progress opened. The results Lin has achieved since working with Liam Annetts Lin has blown my mind. Lin’s application has been immense- clearly training with Liam has brought the very best out of her. I’m beyond impressed with how significantly her movement, coordination and skill have improved. Here’s Liam with some very proud words:- “It's been a pleasure to work with Lin for the past year. Seeing her make so many remarkable improvements on multiple levels gives me great satisfaction as a coach. Lin approached me with suspected hip bursitis and lower back issues, struggling to complete day to day activities such as getting up the stairs whilst being in persistent pain. To now watch Lin stroll into the gym and crack on with her own workouts and one to one sessions, in minimal pain, is so great to see. She has also made huge changes to her physique, improvements in diet and a subsequent weight loss of 6.1 kg! Keep up the great work Lin” Superb Lin! I trust you'll enjoy your Reflex/Progress prize bundle
February 2019 - Sophie Barnes
It’s been quite a journey so far and it shows no signs of slowing down! This month’s Progress Member of the Month is Sophie Barnes. Sophie joined Progress back in 2017 and has been ploughing forward ever since. Sophie’s application of consistency, effort and determination has been a pleasure to watch and, I know, inspired others to up their game too. Never underestimate the power of being around successful and driven people or the positive impact you can impart on others. Sophie is as deliberate and dedicated with her nutrition as she is with her training. Her commitment to a varied and tasty nutritional approach- whilst focusing on protein intake- coupled with a structured and diligent attitude to training has reaped some profound results. So far she has lost 3.5 stone, whilst boosting Deadlift from 50kg to 100kg! Fat off, muscle/strength/skill/confidence ON! Here’s Sophie’s Personal Trainer, Aaron Fitzgerald, with his words:- "Sophie Barnes - Where to start!? Member of the month is well and truly deserved! How far Sophie has come since we began working together back in July 2017 is nothing short of incredible. Not only have the physical changes been phenomenal, her mindset and confidence has flourished as well. Hitting regular 6am sessions during the initial few months was immediate testament to her dedication and desire to improve. As we saw consistent improvements and changes, Sophie's confidence and passion for the gym grew further and further. We had gone from her being unable to find consistency and enjoyment within her training to it now being a habitual and highly enjoyable thing. It has been extremely rewarding and enjoyable watching Sophie continually strive to improve and better herself. The exciting thing is that I know we are just getting started! Keep up the amazing work." Strong stuff Sophie! I hope you enjoy your prize bundle and keep making progress- thanks for choosing us!
January 2019 - Tabatha Marshall
Member of the Month for January is Tabatha Marshall! Congrats Tab! She’s no-nonsense and determined- but the irony here is that Tab doesn’t actually train that often. Juggling full-time work (with a recent promotion!), family life and more- the occasions that she is able to get to the gym are truly well spent and productive. Personally, I’m a real fan of quality over quantity and Tab proves this mantra true. Here’s her PT, Amanda, with some words:- “I've been working with Tabatha for a little over a year and a half and from day one it's been a pleasure. She's been keen to learn and apply all the tools I've given her to be successful with her goals. Tabatha's goals were to get back into pre-baby clothes and taking back her confidence, and shed smashed it. Tabatha looks amazing and I'm excited to see what she achieves this year” Well done Tabatha!
December 2018 - Member of the Year 2019- Trevor Walton
Time flashes by. Days melt into weeks. Weeks congregate forming months. Months conspire to create years and years- well the years roll on by. It seems to me that the passing of the years matters less than what we do with those passing years. So much time can be wasted, frittered away never to return, if only we could recycle time! Effective and efficient use of time is a central and primary tenet of being successful. Finding a balance of time for work and play is a struggle for many. Fitting in the ‘need to do’, and leaving enough time for the ‘want to do’ can be a challenge. Few consistently strike the balance, but I know someone that does. They benefit from continued learning, extensive travelling, productive working, enjoying sport and social time, acting, volunteering and, of course, workout time. What allows the right balance to be struck? Here’s a few areas that spring to mind… First and foremost- a positive attitude. Attitude steers general direction. The wrong direction can mean lost time- there it goes again! – dissipated energy, defeated will and lost belief. When we find the right direction…oh my! The right direction- it brings us closer to everything we want. The fact that we can each choose our own attitude should be a massive advantage, make sure you make use of it! Energy- determines the speed at which we accomplish things. Energy comes from belief, successful application and a positive attitude. Overcoming obstacles bolsters belief, thus replenishing energy. Positive attitude and energy are the start of something special. Modesty and willingness to learn from others- smooths and straightens the road ahead. Someone else might spend the majority of their waking time learning about just the thing you want to achieve- employ them and their knowledge and you save yourself time and a multitude of unnecessary mistakes. Add a positive attitude and energy to a willingness to learn and you have a An interest in others shows a positive attitude through involvement in community and cohesion and allows for learning to take place by association. Alongside this, there’s an undeniable energy generated when striving to benefit others. When I think of all these attributes I think of Trevor Walton. His positive attitude, energy, modesty and selflessness are evident for all to see. Layer on consistency, indefatigability, good humour and passion to live life to the fullest and you’ve got a strong, warm and resilient human. Trevor trains with vigour, drive and intensity. Trevor always shows an interest in others, making time for the Team and for fellow Members. If you think all this has been easy- check out the scar on his knee! It gives me great pleasure and sense of pride in acknowledging the Progress Member of the Year for 2018 is Trevor Walton. Congratulations Trevor and to his PT, Brad Down, for his support along the way
October 2018 - Matt & Pip Saunders
Another month rolls around and this time our winner is a husband and wife Team! Congrats to Matt and Pip Saunders on winning the October Member(s) of the Month here at Progress. From day one Matt showed an interest and energy in training, returning to gym-ing after quite a spell away. Pip didn't start off as quick, but an initial apprehension have been replaced with superb application, awesome energy and some blazing results. Both Pip and Matt are healthier, leaner and stronger than ever. Matt asks many questions and applies most of what he's told. Pip takes regular PT sessions with Brad, giving her all every time. They both show what is possible with a busy lifestyle, marriage, children and working on and in a business. Here's Brad with his own words- "Pip and Matt – Consistent, energetic and enthusiastic. Pip sticks to her programme from myself like glue, giving it her all every session. Matt applies his knowledge to create his own training and is always open to new information. They have a true balance in life between family, work, training and enjoyment. I hope you enjoy your box of winnings, it is well deserved. Congratulations to you both." Too right Brad! Just goes to show that a busy life can still be a balanced one, with health as the foundation.
September 2018 - Claire Price
"Some say, some do". It's written in bold letters on the Progress wall. Claire Price 'DOES'! Focused, determined and productive. Claire is strong enough to ask for help and mature enough to accept it. The improvement in Claire's results, physique and abilities in the last two years have been a pleasure to witness. No matter the time- 6am, 6pm, 8pm, Claire gets it done. PT Liam Annetts has spent plenty of time with Claire, so here's his words:- "Claire has been a client of mine for just over a year now. During this time she has demonstrated determination, consistency and 100% commitment to her goals. Claire has made progressive changes to her body composition whilst boasting feat’s of strength such as multiple pull ups, and over 100+ kilo deadlift! Claire is always present at the 6am Incinerate classes and doesn’t stop until the job is done! Impressive stuff. Keep up the good work, Claire." Hey Claire- nice work! Thanks to Reflex for this stunning bundle of goodies for Claire. Check out the Gym Shop for your next Reflex supplement purchase!
August 2018 - Lisa Smith
Lisa Smith gets sh1t done! You may not have spoken to Lisa, she does like her headphones (unless we’ve got bona fide bangers playing!), but you’ve probably seen her smashing through intense and focused Kettlebell, weights and cardio workouts. There’s zero faff, guff or baloney with Lisa- she picks the direction and she gets going! Working with PT Brad Down has clearly been a successful collaboration and here’s his words on Lisa’s progress and attitude. “Intensity, hard work and the right attitude are always guaranteed to be a part of Lisa’s sessions. I know very few people whose day to day schedule is as hectic as hers, but still she follows her program, takes control of her food, and regardless of what life throws at her she makes it work and comes out on top. The core element of my business is that being inspired to take action and control of your own life can lead to you being inspirational to others. This is Lisa. So congratulations, this is more than well earned. Here’s to many more kilo’s lifted and inches lost.” Too right Brad- well done both and thanks to Optimum Nutrition for their lovely bundle of goodies for Lisa’s prize.
July 2018 - Alan Ponsford
ARP- you only ‘done did it’- July 2018 Member of the Month is yours! Congratulations and well done! Alan Ponsford began at Progress in October, 2012, way back at the original site. From the off Alan has been consistent, diligent and thorough with his training, clearly enjoying his lifting and social time at the gym, he’s become a fixture on the gym floor. Building a good base of technique has lead to some solid strength gains, however it’s been the last 6 months where I’ve seen Alan truly excel and rapidly develop…. Over the last few months Alan has been working alongside Aaron Fitzgerald. Here’s Aaron with his own feedback... “I first began working with Alan just shy of 6 months ago. At this time he had already been an integral part of the Progress Gym family for a while. Always consistent, focused and hardworking both in and out of the gym, with him putting in serious hours at work and on home projects alike! We began by discussing his experience within training and nutrition, then set our eyes on some new approaches and targets. Alan’s primary focus was fat loss and with that improving lean definition. We implemented the appropriate nutritional structure and a fresh approach with his training and it’s fair to say that he has well and truly achieved that! Dropping inches in all the right places whilst showing some much-desired muscle definition! Alan’s consistency and quality with both his nutrition and training alike has been the key to his success! A very well deserved Member of the month. Excellent work Alan, I look forward to seeing what we can achieve next!” Chipper, polite, focused, open to qualified advice and seeing Progress? Sounds like one of our own 🙂 Alan, once more - WELL DONE!
June 2018 - Pedro Pinto & Sara Almeida
I LOVE the fact that Progress is an international gym- we have Members from all over the world choose us as their place of workout 🙂 That When I lived abroad I moved to another English speaking country, that was tough enough! To move and integrate into a country with a different language, culture, nuances and lacking familiarity takes 'next level' resolve and determination. Pedro and Sara joined in November 2016 and have become regulars and firm favourites at Progress, known and liked by all the Team and many of our Members! Pedro has taken on and committed to Olympic Lifting and its accessory moves, successfully enough to be able to compete! His dedication to the programme, hitting sessions and protein bread is second to none! Encouraged and mentored by Dom Woods, I know how proud Dom is of Pedro and his ability to simply 'get on with it'. Sara, WoW! Her training intensity and focus is awesome. Early on she learned much from PT Amanda Leonard and has since gone on to apply her all to each and every class and workout. Sara- your training focus is superb! Sara also competed well in the 2017 Progress Summer Strongwoman competition, lifting some serious weight. I am proud to have had Pedro and Sara here as Members and wish them well on their next adventure in Holland. You are the joint winners of the Progress Member of the Month award, June 2018, and we will not forget you. Thanks to Optimum Nutrition for their cracking prize bundle 🙂 More than a gym! Eu adoro o fato de que o Progress é um ginásio internacional - temos membros de todo o mundo que nos escolhem como local de treino 🙂 Quando morei no exterior, mudei-me para outro país de língua inglesa, o que foi difícil o suficiente! Mover-se e integrar-se em um país com uma linguagem, cultura, nuances e familiaridade diferentes exige determinação e determinação do "próximo nível". Pedro e Sara entraram em novembro de 2016 e se tornaram regulares e favoráveis no Progress. Pedro assumiu e se comprometeu com a Olympic Lifting e seus movimentos acessórios, com sucesso suficiente para poder competir! Sua dedicação ao programa, bater sessões e pão de proteína é incomparável! Encorajado e orientado por Dom Woods, eu sei como Dom Dom é orgulhoso de Pedro e sua capacidade de simplesmente "seguir em frente". Sara, WoW! Sua intensidade de treinamento e foco é incrível. Logo no início, aprendeu muito com a PT Amanda Leonard e desde então passou a aplicá-la a todas as classes e exercícios. Sara- seu treinamento é o foco é soberbo! Sara também competiu bem na competição Progress Summer Strongwoman de 2017. Estou orgulhoso por ter Pedro e Sara aqui como membros e desejar-lhes felicidades na sua próxima aventura na Holanda. Vocês são os vencedores conjuntos do prêmio Progress Member of the Month, junho de 2018 Graças à Optimum Nutrition pelo seu pacote de prémios de cracking 🙂 Mais do que uma academia!
May 2018 - Stewart Thompson
I know, I know- I’ve taken my sweet time, right Stew?! What’s the rush fella? Good things come to those who lift. Stewart Thompson is one of the original crew, on board from way back in 2010 and consistent beyond belief. Juggling full-time career, growing family, home renovation, gym and more beside is no mean feat. Stew makes time for diligent, structured and effective workouts, clearly giving him the build and energy to handle all else on his plate. Receptive to advice, thoughtful in programming and skilled in execution of each movement, Stewart carries a really good amount of muscle and has done well to fill out his big frame- lend me some Delts Stew? 😉 So, congratulations to you Stewart- you are the May 2018 Progress Member of the Month and proof that it’s possible to spinlots of important plates and still keep a handle on training/exercise. Thanks Reflex for such an awesome contribution to Stewart's prize bundle!
April 2018 - Matt Wills
Progress Member of the Month for April? Well that's Matt Wills! Yes Matt! From day one you've been 'on the ball'. Polite, consistent, open to advice, focused and diligent. You're a Progress kind of guy 🙂 Impeccable manners, boundless energy and a real zest for your important gym time. All the boxes are ticked Matt and you're prize bundle and certificate awaits. Here's Matt's PT- Aaron Fitzgerald with some more words on Matt... “I have vivid memories of the first few times I met Matt, whilst I was working as a Red Top. Whenever he entered the gym he left everything else at the door. His positivity, focus and excitement to begin his training was immediate and highly admirable. Before I started running the lunchtime 3ZERO classes regularly, I held a few trial classes to which Matt agreed to be a part of. He went on to be a regular attendee of 3ZERO for many many months, always giving his all to the sessions. At the end of November last year, Matt approached me to begin working one to one with personal training. During this time we have spent time tweaking and improving techniques, working on overall mobility, applying suitable structure to his training programme/sessions and put in place some nutritional planning. The progression that Matt has made during these last 6 months is truly staggering. Taking inches off of all the right places in his measurements, whilst improving strength, posture, health and general quality of life. Matt, you could not deserve this more! Keep up the excellent work!” Thanks Aaron and thanks Matt- thanks for choosing us and always giving 100%. Thanks also to Optimum Nutrition for their ongoing support.
March 2018 - Gemma Hull
Gemma Hull is one of the original gang- she has been on board with Progress from day1. Something else about Gemma, she’s only gone and earned herself the Progress Member of the Month for March award! As mentioned, Gemma has been a Member for more than 7 years. I’m sure she’ll be the first to admit that attendance was, at times, sporadic. However! The last 12-18 months have really seen Gemma hit her stride with a consistent and focused application. Her embracing of Progress Performance classes Spin (with Kelly Green), ForceFit (with Dan Best) and Coreflex (with Jo and Imogen Fenner) and individual training sessions have seen Gemma really shape up! Her fitness, flexibility and stamina have all improved and it’s been a pleasure to see her getting out of exercise what she’s putting in! Here’s Gemma’s Personal Trainer, Dan Best/Calibre Personal Training with a few words:- “Gemma’s been faithfully attending Forcefit and Ladies Only classes for well over a year now and always brings enthusiasm and energy every time she participates. More recently Gemma has been having 1-to-1 sessions. She is hard working, receptive, committed, punctual and keen to learn so that she can understand what we are doing- not just do it. Gemma has already achieved a lot, in a short amount of time and has developed her knowledge and upper body strength at the same time. Congratulations Gemma- I always look forward to our sessions!” Gemma- well done and congratulations on winning this award- you’ve earned it! Your prize bundle and certificate awaits you- supplied by Reflex Nutrition!
February 2018 - Luke and Kerry Brunt
Now then! I’ve checked back through Progress history and this has only happened once before. This month we have a husband and wife winner of the Progress Member(s) of the Month award! Full time work for one, self-employment for the other, living outside of Yeovil, 3 children and they still manage to show-up and stand out! Kerry and Luke bring full energy and commitment to Progress. Their commitment to training, PT sessions, classes and more is a pleasure to see, as are the results they generate. It just goes to show- if you want something bad enough you make it happen. Congratulations- both of you! Luke's PT- Liam Annetts- "Luke is one of my original clients and it has been a pleasure to work with him over the past 3 years. He’s always extremely devoted, juggling a busy work and family life whilst still religiously attending up to 5 times a week! You can tell how much he enjoys his training, Luke is very receptive and always willing to push himself as far as he can each session!" Kerry's PT- Amanda Leonard- "I started working with kerry as a home client nearly 2 years ago.Completely new to exercise and adamant she didn't want to Join a gym, yet now she tells me she misses it when she isn't able to go, smashing classes and every session she does! Kerry has made massive improvements from day one with posture, balance, co-ordonation and body composition and I admire her determination. It's truly a pleasure to work with and see someone come on so far with their journey and enjoy the process. I look forward to our session on Monday!" Well done to you both- your certificate and prizes are waiting for you in reception. Thanks Optimum Nutrition for supporting Progress
January 2018 - Matt Derrick
Matt Derrick is the January Progress Member of the Month. Committed, relentless, focused and mature enough to ask for advice and a spot. You’ll find Matt, most days since November 2011, banging out some impressive numbers in the Progress free weights area! Recently beset by a troublesome shoulder injury, Matt has taken a diligent and sensible approach to the rehab. Most importantly- he didn’t stop training! He’s back now benching 3 plates and doesn’t let 4am starts for work hold him back. Matt is a constant positive force here and has brought many others along on his journey- a true fellow of Progress! Matt- congrats on your award and keep marching on young man! Thanks Reflex, your support, like your products, is always first class!
December 2017 - Paul Jones
The December Progress Member of the Month is Paul Jones. Jonesy- wow! Formidable consistency, relentless application, maximum effort and stunning results. Not only all this, but he’s bloody well-mannered too- which is always appreciated! Here’s Paul's PT, Liam, with some of his own words and check out those measurements!:- “Paul and I have been working together for almost two years now. Upon joining Progress he had little gym experience, however, together we’ve turned things right around! During this time we’ve worked closely to improve Paul’s nutritional and training knowledge, enabling him to apply this to his day-to-day life, and time on the gym floor. For Paul’s training we use a consistent combination of resistance training and conditioning over 5 PT sessions a week. No cardio here🙅🏻♂️ The results and measurements speak for themselves. I’m very proud to have been a part of Paul’s ongoing weight loss journey and I’m looking forward to seeing what more we can achieve in the coming months! Nice work, Paul.” Proud gym owner indeed! Thanks also to Optimum Nutrition for their continued support of this award!
November 2017 - Ash Ayre
I’d like to take a moment to congratulate Ash Ayre. Not only is Ash the November Member of the Month, but he’s also an inspiration to me. Ash joined the gym back in September 2015, but it’s been since May this year that he’s really taken-off with his consistency of attendance. Working out doesn’t ‘click’ straight away with everyone. Some people ‘get it’ straight away, for others it takes time. Ash has had training partners come and go, but he’s stuck at it. Here’s the other thing, his level of technique is absolutely first class. I can’t remember ever seeing a sloppy rep, a flaw in technique or something that needed correcting. Ash’s workout form is absolute poetry in motion and, from Personal Trainer/Gym Owner/Bodybuilder perspectives, a pleasure to watch! Let me tell you something else- and this goes a long way- his manners and gym etiquette. Never underestimate how much myself and the Team appreciate the returning of benches, barbells, plates, dumbbells and all other equipment to the right place. To see a lift completed and the dumbbells returned gracefully to the floor/rack, without any abuse, is also a pleasure/relief! It also means a lot when you guys take a moment to ask how WE are doing. Ash, congrats on your award and prize bundle. I’m very happy that you choose Progress as your gym and hope this is the case for a long time to come! Thanks to Reflex for providing the main part of this month's prize bundle. They are the leading UK's supplement company. More than a gym!
September 2017 - Andy Richards
Doesn't time fly! Here we are again and it's Progress Member of the Month time. Andy joined Progress on the 20th of April this year and has, from day 1, taken on board advice and instruction. He's repaid us and himself with consistent attendance, a focused attitude and THESE results. There is a weight difference of 12 stone between these pictures. I am thoroughly impressed with Andy's attitude and application and am happy to say that he is the September Progress Member of the Month. Andy receives Personal Training from Dan Best, of Calibre Personal Training, and I know just how proud Dan is of what Andy has achieved. Well done BOTH! Thanks to Reflex for sending a smashing bundle of goodies for Andy.
August 2017 - Hollie Chaffin
Chaff! If it's not your own (clearly productive!) hard work, it's you supporting and encouraging others or your infectious energy and, er 'noise' aka laughter that's reverberating through Progress. You have come on leaps and bounds since day 1 and I'm incredibly impressed with your continued application. Taking on the challenge of learning and adapting to weight training is no small feat and you've truly 'gone at it' 🙂 Here's your PT, Dan Best, with some of his own words about your achievements:- "Hollie has been working with myself through the Thursday Ladies Only class for the past year and one to one sessions more recently, her progress thus far has been unmatched. She applies herself fully to whatever task that I set her and completes it with determination and purpose. Logging her workouts and keeping track of her daily macros match perfectly with her flawless work ethic! Well done Hollie keep up the strong work, congratulations!" Hollie- your rather prize bundle and certificate awaits. Keep doing what you're doing! Thank you to Optimum Nutrition for supporting this awesome award. More than a gym!
July 2017 - Sharna Keay
A HUGE Progress 'CONGRATULATIONS' goes out to Sharna Keay on winning the July Progress 'Member of the Month' award! After a somewhat indifferent start to her time here, Sharna has been the definition of consistency, graft and effort. Her determination when lifting is only matched by her application and dedication. After taking the smart step of enlisting some qualified help Sharna has stuck at her programme and pushed and pushed! The transformation in body shape and strength has been a pleasure to witness. Here's Amanda Leonard, of Rapport PT, with some words on Sharna:- "Last year when Sharna and I started working together I knew this girl had grit and determination to get anywhere she wanted and do anything she wanted. Even with set backs and obstacles they have not stopped Sharna from achieveing her goals and setting new ones whilst also taking part in the strongwomen competition and placing 2nd 😊😊😊. She has so far lost a massive total of 27kg body fat and I'm so proud of her. Keep going Sharna 💪" Thank you Amanda and WELL DONE Sharna! Thanks also to Reflex for this awesome prize bundle 😀
June 2017 - Emma Gordon
It's that time again and it's a massive >>>CONGRATULATIONS<<< to Emma Gordon on earning the June Progress 'Member of the Month' award. The progress that Emma has seen in the last 6 months has been incredible. She has wholeheartedly embraced both Progress Gym and Progress Performance. Using the full array of equipment, Emma has built strength, significantly improved her cardiovascular fitness and brought about some serious positive changes in her body composition. Early morning sessions, whilst juggling a career, family and more- Emma you've impressed us! Here's Emma's Personal Trainer, Liam Annetts, with some of his own words about her success:- "Myself and Emma have been working closely since January 2017 after being given an LAPT voucher by her daughter - Jas. Safe to say she hasn't looked back since! Taking her first steps into the world of resistance training Emma has gone from strength to strength, always wanting to push herself to do more, learn new exercises and test new techniques. She's one of my only clients who's favourite exercise is the prowler push! Emma has made many achievements over the past 6-7 months, including a bodyweight deadlift, progressing onto unassisted bodyweight push ups, 4.5 inches lost from her waist and huge improvements to nutrition. Well done Emma, keep challenging your limits. LAPT." Well done the both of you and thanks to Optimum Nutrition for their support of our award.
May 2017 - Alex Tavener
The May Progress Member of the Month is Alex Tavener. To say that over the last few months Alex’s application has impressed me, would be a stunning understatement. Focused, consistent, determined and absolutely resolute in his attitude to getting what he wants. The amount of fat Alex has lost is testament to his hard work and consistency. That he has also got stronger and more capable at the same time is due to his diligent and intense application to weight training. When it’s gym time, it’s business time. Alex shows focus and concentration and isn’t afraid to ask for help. PT Liam Annetts has been guiding Alex for the last 4 months and things have certainly turned up a notch. Well done BOTH! It’s incredible what can be achieved when someone puts their mind to it, when they WANT to. >>>Thanks to Reflex Nutrition- for their support of our recognition award! The UK's number 1 supplement company!
April 2017 - Susan Kane
***The April Progress Member of the Month is Susan Kane. Susan came on board back in March last year, at the recommendation of her daughter- thank you Alicia! Susan has been consistent, diligent and applied herself relentlessly, tackling new exercises and making some impressive improvements in strength and body composition. Here’s Susan’s PT, Brad Down, with his insight:- “Susan originally came to Progress, wanting to help with her historical weaknesses and niggles. Week by week she is here, ready and raring to go for her session. Susan works hard, tried everything and most importantly doesn’t complain- whilst giving her all! Susan is now fitter, stronger and healthier- as can be seen in her measurements, which we take regularly. I nominated Susan for the Member of the Month award, not only because of what she does in the gym but what she does outside of it. She is proactive in many other areas to benefit her own health and also to positively influence the people around her. She often tells me that her colleagues ask her where she gets so much energy from! Keep up the good work Susan!” Bravo Susan! It's a pleasure having you here. Your prize and certificate await your collection. P.S. You can find out more about Brads work here- https://www.facebook.com/BradDownInspired… Thanks to Optimum Nutrition for their wonderful support of our award!***
March 2017 - Vicki Ousey
Progress Member of the Month for March 2017 is Vicki Ousey! Vicki has been a Progress member for just over a year. In that time, she’s given birth to her 4th child. Prior to the pregnancy Vic was a regular attendee to Progress, often being put through her paces by Personal Trainer Liam Annetts. Over to Liam:- “Vicki started training with me in February 2016, her attitude towards training is impeccable. always willing to push herself and attempt anything. We trained until 6 weeks before birth and were back to it just after 10 weeks. She has since continued to train most days whilst juggling work, 3 young kids and a new born!” • Pre baby weight 90.8kg • Baby date - December 2016 • First session back 15/02/17 - 99.0kg • Latest measurements 23/03/17 94.3 kg • Lost 3 inches from hips • 3.5 from glutes • 2.5 from each thigh • 2.75 off of navel Awesome commitment from Vicki and from Reflex Nutrition- for their support of our monthly award
February 2017 - Trevor Walton
A massive CONGRATULATIONS to Progress member Trevor Walton on winning our the February 2017 Member of the Month award. Trevor has been through the mill over the last few months due to a very serious knee injury. However, through his own determination, focus and application he is now very much ‘out the other side’ and on a strong road to full recovery. Watching Trevor go from hospital bed to back on the Arc Trainer, Bench Pressing and generally moving in an assured fashion again has been inspiring. Family, friends, colleagues, surgeons, etc can all play a role in your journey, but they are merely bit part players compared to your starring role in your own life. Take control and do what needs to be done so that you get what you want. A full recount of Trevor's injury and subsequent path to recovery can be found in this months Members Email. If you didn't receive it please let me know via [email protected] Well done Trevor and thanks to Optimum Nutrition for another quality prize bundle 😀
January 2017 - Jasper Wetherall
Congrats to the Progress Gym Member of the Month for January 2017- Jasper Wetherall! Jasper has been training at Progress since the days of the original site. Consistent, focused and in bloody good shape, Jasper has seriously impressed me with the results he’s generated over the last year. He’s always open to suggestions, mature enough to listen to advice and take encouragement. Jasper I hope you continue to enjoy your train and your awesome Reflex Nutrition prize bundle. WELL DONE!
October 2016 - Dr Rani Sophia
Progress Gym Member of the Month for October 2016 is Dr Rani Sophia. Rani has been a diligent trainer since day 1 and even when fasting her attendance has been consistent. However, the last 6 months or so have seen an intensifying of her efforts and work output. Working alongside Personal Trainer Harry Down, Rani has followed a structured programme with dedication and commitment and the results truly speak for themselves. Greater focus and direction have led to significantly improved movement skills and body composition. All this whilst overcoming significant nerve damage that occurred from a serious fall in 2015. Here’s Harry with some words about Rani’s achievements… “Through all her training successes Rani's motivation and determination to push forward and develop herself never waivers. This deserved recognition is just one of the many triumphs Rani has achieved training at Progress Gym. Despite travelling away, injury and lack of equipment she has ALWAYS fulfilled her weekly sessions; investing in her fitness wherever possible. She has dramatically changed her body shape, with specific mention to the 4 inches lost from her naval. Rani is currently 2kg heavier than when she started yet her body composition has changed for the better. For those of you who train around those peak hours in the gym, you will have undoubtedly seen her face. Congratulations on this achievement Rani! There is a lot more to come!” Thanks to Reflex for supplying a wonderful prize bundle for Rani
September 2016 - Alicia Kane
Member of the month for September 2016 is Alicia Kane. Alicia was encouraged to join in late January of this year. I sometimes get a feeling, akin to a premonition when people join. I got it when I met Alicia. This feeling is basically ‘sh1t is about to go down’, ie we’re about to see something quite outstanding. At first, more comfortable on the cardio machines and little uncertain of the benefit of resistance training, Alicia has since become a regular fixture in our Free weights gym, Gym 2. A willingness to listen, learn, apply and the skilled handling by Personal Trainer Liam Annetts has meant that Alicia has quite literally gone from strength to strength. She’s now took part and excelled in her first Strong Woman competition and is shaping her physique and mind- ‘Shaped with Steel. Forged in Flesh’ as we like to say here at Progress. Here’s Liam with a few words about Alicia and her work ethic:- “Alicia is extremely hardworking and a pleasure to train. Since joining L.A. Personal Training in early February, 2016, she has gone from strength to strength - literally! A highlight being taking joint 2nd place in the Progress Strong Woman Competition in August this year. She continues to exceed my expectations week on week in PT sessions, always showing enormous versatility towards new training methods and exercises. I'm very proud of Alicia's achievements to date - not only have I seen positive changes to her physique but also to her mindset and confidence, seeing her really come into her own. Keep up the hard work Alicia!” Thanks Liam. Alicia gets in, gets on and gets it done. Never afraid to ask for help or push through those ‘make a difference’ reps, I believe we still have much to see from Alicia. Well done to you, keep doing what you’re doing! Thank you to Optimum Nutrition for this month’s AWESOME prize bundle. Progress is proud to be associated with ON- happy 30th Birthday! Did you try their Birthday Cake flavour whey protein? Awesome flavour!
August 2016 - Dan Foot
Member of the month for August 2016 is Dan Foot. Dan, I will be honest, I didn't think you'd stick at it past a week. Don't get me wrong, I wanted you to, I want everyone to, I just didn't think you would. The technique wasn't there and it just all seemed more of a 'laugh' than focused training. Out of your group that came down to the old place I didn't initially think you'd be the last man standing. Fair play to you. Your commitment and consistency over the last 5 years have been impressive and so are the results. Impressive technique, logical approach to training, a focus on feel and effect over weight, a willingness to research on your own and ask questions here have all added up to create the impressive physique you have today. Muscular and lean and able to knock-out 'Muscle Ups' at will. You're not averse to gritting your teeth and putting a shift in on the weights floor. Keep it up! Dan- congratulations, you are the August 2016 Progress Gym Member of the Month. Your prize bundle awaits. Thank you to Reflex Nutrition for this months AWESOME prize bundle. Progress is proud to be associated with the UK's leading Sports nutrition company
July 2016 - Ellie Barter
Member of the month for July 2016 is Ellie Barter. Wow! What a change. Ellie joined Progress in August 2015. After a steady start the last few months have seen her physically change on an almost weekly basis. Ellie has thoroughly embraced resistance training and now follows a structured and progressive programme with grit and determination. The change in body shape has been quite something to behold, yet it pales in comparision with the profound change in mentality. Ellie is focused, business-like and determined on the gym floor and the results speak for themselves! 5kg down and 9 inches lost mean that Ellie is now sporting a much leaner, tighter, athletic and stronger body than when she first joined Progress. WELL DONE ELLIE! And thank you to Optimum Nutrition for supplying a wonderful prize bundle for Ellie.
June 2016 - Jay Allen
Congratulations to the Member of the Month for June- Jay Allen. Not one to cause a scene, Jay works diligently through his sessions and uses a fine mix of free weights and machine. Jay isn’t afraid to step aboard the Cardio machines and is modest and mature enough to ask for advice when he needs it. In the last few months Jay embarked on a mission to reduce his body fat and I’d say ‘Mission Accomplished!’. Jay looks the best he has ever done and appears even more muscular now than he did before. Jay uses a combination of CLA, Green Tea and Creatine to help boost his gym efforts and nutritional dedication. He’s also a fan of carb cycling and hitting cardio after finishing his weights. Keep it up Jay! Thank you to Reflex Nutrition for their consistent support of our awards 🙂
May 2016 - Carey Sharman
Carey Sharman has been a Progress member for as long as I can remember and I often use Carey as an example to those who complain to me about genes this and body shape that. Carey has managed to build some of the best arms at Progress despite having extremely long limbs. Carey stretches the tape at 6feet 5...and a half! Yet, this hasn’t deterred him from building muscle and having the kind of proportions that a good many of his contemparies would be proud of. Along the way Carey has battled back from a tear in his right meniscus to being able to squat 150kg for 10 reps, that’s a long way down from almost 6 and a half feet! A football induced Glute injury followed, but with Robin’s (the gym physio) help this is also a thing of the past. Carey tells me he finds some movements harder work than others, yet this clearly doesn’t stop him giving his all on every body part. Don’t ever worry about what you can’t do. Focus on what you can and do it to the best of your ability. Well done Carey- you are the Progress Gym member of the month for May 2016.
April 2016 - Nikki Copeland
It's Member of the Month time and I've been looking forward to this one for a couple months now smile emoticon Nikki probably isn't the kind of member most non-Progress members assume attends here. I like that. We have members from every possible section of society and I like that too. Not everyone is male, 18-30 and in to bodybuilding- though many are. I like that too. Abbie and Nikki have worked extremely well together and I think it only fitting Abbie penned a few words about how well Nikki has done since joining Progress... “Nikki has been determined since she joined Progress Gym in September 2015. Nikki has been a dedicated member and client to both the ladies only classes, during her own sessions and within her Personal Training sessions she has worked hard to gain the body shape that she wants by turning up to each session with a positive attitude and ready to train hard. I am extremely proud of how much Nikki’s body shape has changed and how strong her cardio and recovery time has progressed within weight sessions, circuits and cardio she has already achieved amazing results. Well done Nikki here’s to the next year!” And now to Nikki… “I joined progress gym in September of last year especially for the ladies only class, though I had concerns that it wouldn't really be for me. I was at quite a low point and needed something to channel my energy. However, I am now hooked and have really felt the benefits, not only have I lost weight and dropped dress sizes and my whole body has changed shape. I now have a waist which I haven't had since having my children 19 years ago. I certainly feel so much better about myself and thoroughly look forward to the Ladies Only class on a Monday. Abbie is a wonderful trainer who never makes anyone feel they can't do it, her encouragement and professional advice have helped me achieve the goals I have set myself. Progress Gym is a friendly place with all staff being professional, helpful and friendly. I have been a member of other gyms and never been made to feel as I do here. Very well done Progress- keep up the good work!” Nikki- CONGRATULATIONS!! You are the Progress Gym Member of the Month for April 2016. Your prizes (thank you Reflex Nutrition) await! Also- well done Abbie!
February 2016 - Brian & Yvonne Cowling
It gives me great pleasure to announce joint winners for the Progress Gym Member of the Month award for February 2016. Brian and Yvonne Cowling have been members of Progress since day 1. Their consistency is formidable, their application incredible and the results- undeniable. Whatever the weather, whatever the time of year, whatever else is going on in their lives they always make time for themselves to come and exercise. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, pre 7am you'll find Brian and Yvonne ploughing through a healthy mix of free weights, machines and cardiovascular exercise. They move swiftly from piece to piece and make the most of their time here at the gym. Monday's session is slightly shorter as Yvonne has to get to her post at Yeovil Hospital, but that doesn't stop them giving their best for the time that they are here. Consistency, application and a willingness to learn mean that this couple are a fantastic demonstration of the lifelong benefits of lifting weights and cardiovascular exercise. Brian is 74(and has been lifting weights for nearly 60 years!) and Yvonne is 72 and I couldn't be more proud. You are never too old to take care of your body. Progress Gym is proud to have members of all ages and races. WELL DONE Brian and Yvonne! Thanks to Reflex Nutrition for their relentless support of Progress Gym
August 2015 - Connor Bridgland
Congrats to Connor Bridgland on winning the August Members of the Month award. Connor had a lull in his training early last year, I thought at one point we’d lost him. An ankle injury had derailed what was, in all honesty, pretty shaky, inconsistent and unstructured training. Here’s where the corner was turned. As the injury healed Connor returned to the gym- vigour was renewed, determination apparent and focus clear. Since then I’ve seen Connor literally grow and literally go from strength to strength. He displays the winning characteristics of consistency, recording workouts, training all body parts and getting done what needs to be done. Cardio doesn’t faze Connor and he’s no stranger to gritting his teeth and grinding out those ‘make a difference’ reps. He’s even inspired father to join and train regularly. Connor- well done, you’re a worthy winner and looking good!
September 2015 - Cara Williams
Cara Williams will be a familiar face/name to many of you. Cara has been a member for over 3 years now and competed last year in the Bikini class in the UKBFF, transforming her body with nutrition and training, into a shape that only a small fraction of women ever achieve. Cara and her partner Luke Rogers (also a Progress member) recently celebrated the birth of their daughter, Evelyn, on the 26th of September. Cara was still training up to 3 weeks prior to giving birth and looked GREAT for it. She adapted her work outs to take her pregnancy into consideration and continued training right up until the last few weeks. It’s examples like this that prove to me what capacity we really have. It gives me a great deal of pride to see someone persist with and benefit from exercise when many others would fall by the wayside at the slightest hint of difficulty. Cara- well done and I hope you’re enjoying every moment!
October 2015 - Daniel Bobowscy
The October Member of the Month has been a Progress regular for years. He is a stalwart of the old gym and is always in superb shape - Delts! He tackles his training with consistency, drive and commitment. He is always in condition and never shy’s away from the more demanding moves- Squats, chins and heavy presses are always part of his plan. Equipment is always put away and membership is always on time (or early!). Well done Daniel Bobowski - you are the Progress Gym member of the month for October 2015! Thank you to Optimum Nutrition for consistently supporting this award.
January 2016 - Matthew Knight
Congratulations to the winner of the January Progress Gym Member of the Month- Matthew Knight. Matt has been a stalwart of the morning crew for a number of years now. He's relentlessly consistent, attacks his training with gusto and never afraid to ask for help or a spot. Matt also won the January Gym competition- Raw Power II- by quite some distance! Matt- it's been a pleasure watching your progress in strength and development. Keep it up! Thanks also to Optimum Nutrition for supporting this award
December 2015 - Lifetime Member Award- Julian Asperilla
Owning a gym for the last 5 years I've encountered people from all over the world. There's a common theme to my visitors. They want to make a difference, either psychologically or physiologically to themselves. By being here they've taken the ultimate step- the step of turning 'thinking' to 'doing'. With this common theme comes reps and sets, steps and strides, grunts and grimaces. In fact, the nature of the beast dictates that there is a hell of a lot of repetition- it's a never ending cycle of pick-it-up-put-it-down and that's just fine, because successful repetition is at the heart of what works with exercise. Among this cycle of cycles within cycles of cycles one person has stood out for the entire time. One person has always had the time to ask me how I am. One person has always had an infectious laugh, an unquenchable energy and a consistency that puts 99.9% of the population in the shade. They are relentless with prompt and full payment and have played a strong role in supporting family members to embrace exercise and a healthier lifestyle. Don't misunderstand me- many of you stick out in my mind for going the extra 'rep', for a strong set of good manners and respect for my kit. It's just that this person sits on top of the pile as an example to me of what is possible. This person excites me with the thought that I can and will be able to train for another 40 years yet, because they have. Julian Asperilla- you of the bodyweight pull ups/Deadlift at 73 years of age- are the winner of the Progress Gym Lifetime member award. SEVENTY-THREE! Not even time itself can stop you. You make me proud to have you as a member here and I aspire to follow in your footsteps and train for many years to come. You are an inspiration to many. Thank you to Optimum Nutrition and Reflex Nutrition for their relentless support of our awards.
July 2015 - Gareth Bevan and Dan Osborne
The July ‘Member of the Month’ is a double award. Over the last 12 months Dan Osborne and Gareth Bevan have transformed into larger and leaner versions of themselves. Consistent, focused, intense training are trademarks of their sessions. What I find refreshing is that their training is fairly brief in duration. ‘More’ is rarely better. Dan and Gareth get in, do the job and get out, with very little time wasted. They are also receptive to suggestions and pointers on how to improve. Keep it up chaps! (and thanks for the referrals).
June 2015 - Ben Horne
Progress Gym is approaching 5 years old and I'm chuffed to bits that it's retained so many of the original members. WE(members and Progress) work as a partnership to keep Progress moving forward. Your prompt payment of fees, outstanding manners, worthwhile suggestions and application make our side of things much easier to carry out. 5 years is a fair chunk of time and to stick at anything for that long shows dedication and commitment. Ben Horne was a member of the gym before I got to Yeovil and has been a solid and consistent trainee since day one of Progress Gym. Ben's progression has seen him go from novice lifter to someone with a physique that would be easy for many to envy. Rather then envy I know that Ben's metamorphosis stimulates inspiration in his fellow members. Ben's training is focused, intense and structured. If cardio needs doing, it gets DONE. If food needs adjusting, it gets adjusted. Ben has a 'can-do' attitude that means he doesn't fear difficulty, instead he relishes challenges and attacks them. He's a pretty good Deadlifter also! What do you allow to hold you back? What excuses do you use? Ben refuses to allow his epilepsy to define his attitude. Instead his attitude defines his actions, which defines the results you can see in the accompanying pic. Ben- keep doing what you do mate! Your award is at the gym. Thanks to Optimum Nutrition for their ongoing support with our award
May 2015 - Chris Walker
Chris is the May 2015 Member of the Month. Chris's transformation over the last two years has been profound and a pleasure to watch. Chris is consistent, intense and always asking the right questions. Well done Chris! I'll hand you over to Progress Gym PT Craig who's had a fair few sessions with Chris over the last year: "My first encounter with Chris was in July of 2014. He had the spark and the will to learn more and took it upon his self to seek more information. He's always asking questions and wanting to improve that little bit more whether that's within the gym or understanding his nutrition. Chris's measurements from the start of July 2014 to May 2015 speak volumes and show's how hard he has worked. Chris's chest has decreased 5 inches 44in to 39in yet looking more shizzled. Chris's navel measurement has decreased 7 inches from 40in to 33in. Chris's upper thigh measurement has decreased 4 inches from 29in to 25in. Seeing a client progress with such enjoyment makes me proud. Well done Chris keep working hard." Well done Chris, Craig and thanks to Reflex Nutrition for their continuing support of this award.
April 2015 - Ross Bennett
The Progress Gym 'Member of the Month' award has become a highlight of the calendar for me. I'm fully aware that most Progress members have no aspiration to stand on a bodybuilding stage or enter an elite level sporting event. Training, for 95% of people, is about feeling better and staying healthy and I wanted to create something where I could acknowledge these Progress people. I tend to give the award to those that apply themselves, consistently. Those that show determination. To those that seek out help and employ what they have learned. And to those that have overcome adversity that most of us can't begin to imagine. This months Progress Gym 'Member of the Month' award goes to a friend of mine. Am I biased? I might be, but just bare with me and see if you see my reasoning. This friend of mine I've had the pleasure of living with twice- we've shared a couple of rented houses over the last few years and spent plenty of time eating together, watching TV and drinking coffee whilst shooting the breeze. When I needed a van, he was there. When he wanted a program writing I was there. When I needed storage he helped me out. When I needed a fire door fixing he put his carpentry skills to good use and got it done. On March 18th of last year, I got a call from a mutual friend, he said there had been an accident. 'Accident' doesn't seem to begin to do what happened full justice. It's not possible to go into full detail about the incident as there are still issues to be resolved. However my friend, whilst in stationary traffic, was hit head on by a Lorry. He sustained multiple injuries, including a serious head injury. The chances of him actually surviving were very, very slim and his life hung by a thread. Myself and 3 other friends drove to Bristol that night to visit him, but his condition was so vulnerable that we weren't even allowed to see him. As scans and assessments were carried out the list of injuries grew and the situation become more and more fragile. His resilience, determination and courage over the following days and weeks pulled him through to a marginally more stable condition. It was still several months until we were allowed to go and visit and when I went to see my friend at Frenchay hospital I didn't really know what to expect. When we walked in, just seeing him alive in his wheelchair, after what he'd been through, was an amazing feeling. I knew he still had a lot of work to do to be able to return to any sort of normality- the reassuring thing was that I could see he was prepared to do it. My friend has undergone months of physical therapy, speech therapy and much more to be where he is today. He came back to gym in the middle of March this year and I cannot do justice, with mere words, how I felt the first day he managed to walk back into Progress. Seeing him walk, on his own and unaided, back into the gym gave me such a whirlwind of emotions- relief, pride, admiration, but I knew he'd just want to be treated the same- so that's how it's been from day1. He enlisted the help of Brad Down, one of the Progress Personal Trainers and together they have kept him moving forward at an impressive rate. We all have our own start point from which we begin our training. Some are more fortunate than others. Some have situations and events conspire against them and start from a long way back. Be thankful for what you have and don't let a cold or tiredness hold you back. One of the things I've noticed is that he never complains about the weather, if it's raining or if it's cold. He's just happy to still be walking amongst us. Ross, your courage and determination are staggering. I know with the will power you possess and the effort you give that you'll continue your road back and continue to see improvements the rest of us will never fully appreciate. Ross- you inspire me more than you'll ever know and I'm proud to award you the title of April 2015 Progress Gym Member of the Month. Thanks to Optimum Nutrition for again supporting the Member of the Month award here.
March 2015 - Nicky Liddle
The member of the month for March is Nicky Liddle. Nicky has been at Progress since December last year and immediately took to the gym. She has been a consistent attendee at our Ladies Only Classes, ran by Brad and Abbie, and always brings energy and a smile. Nicky has changed her body shape considerably in just 4 months of membership and 3 hours a week of training. I’ll hand you over to her PT, Abbie, for further info:- “Nicky has worked hard in progressing herself since December 2014, continuously pushing through her program, PT sessions and Ladies Classes. After seeing changes in her body shape and the way her old clothes now fit perfectly I’m very proud of the effort she has put in and now it’s paying off. Well done Nicky, keep up the hard work and the rewards will keep coming!” Great work Nicky!
February 2015 - Kelly Northover
The member of the month for February is Kelly Northover. It gives me a real buzz to see any of my members excelling and seeing the changes they want- but to see a female change so rapidly and so dramatically(in what many still think is a male-only gym) is a superb feeling! Congrats Kelly- you’re doing great! Another HD client too I'll hand you over to Kelly's Personal Trainer, Harry Down...'When Kelly first entered Progress she found the environment an intimidating place. She joined me at HD Fitness and soon started to grow in confidence as well as physical ability. Having suffered with back issues and postural problems prior to starting, she soon started to develop her strength making these a thing of the past. Most recently Kelly has reduced her body fat percentage; lost inches from around her waist, hips and arms; and is continually improving her fitness level. However the change in Kelly that is an inspiration to me and the one I am most proud of is the change in her mindset. She is genuinely disappointed if she is unable to make her gym session; she pushes herself further every time, and has the desire to improve and get better. These changes are her greatest achievement and will push her to reach whatever goal she may set. Great work Kelly!’"
January 2015 - Gareth Penn
The February Member of the Month is Gareth Penn. Gareth’s application and consistency over the last 12 months has been awesome to witness. The acceleration of transformation over the last 3 months has been particularly impressive. Gareth takes programs from Progress PT Harry Down and gives them his absolute all. Rarely have I seen someone give 100% so willingly, so regularly for so long. Congratulations GP!
December 2014 - Steph Cook
The December Progress Gym Member of the Month is Steph Cook. Steph’s about turn in outlook and mental approach have astounded as much as the results these changes have created! I’ll hand you over to Steph’s Personal Trainer Harry Down:- “Congratulations Steph on achieving Decembers Member of the Month. This comes at the end of a very prosperous year for yourself and your fitness goals. This achievement goes some way to highlighting the amazing transformation you have completed in 2014. The changes you have made will positively effect your health and fitness in the years to come. You have nailed down both training and nutrition, completing every task I have set you no matter the difficulty. Congratulations again and may your amazing progress continue.” Cheers Harry, well done to you both!
November 2014 - Luke Rose
Congrats to the November Progress Gym Member of the Month Luke Rose. Luke's continued application, focus and consistency over the last 12 months has shown me that he deserves this months award. I'll hand over here to Luke's Personal Trainer Harry Down:- "Along with the desire to change, Luke showed in his training a desire to learn and try new things. He took up all that was taught and applied it with self-driven motivation. His progression and the development of his physique are testaments to the hard work he puts in all year round...even having a very manual job to contend with. He shows us all what can be achieved with a will and drive. Good work Luke!" Cheers Harry, well done to you both. Luke- your prize bundle of Reflex Nutrition goodies awaits. Thanks to Reflex Nutrition for their continued support!
October 2014 - Trevor Walton
The October Progress Gym Member of the Month is Trevor Walton. Trevor has impressed me from Day 1. He's ability to crack on, consistently with a high level of effort is impressive. Trevor is never afraid to ask questions or give new exercises a 'go'. I asked Trevor to write a testimonial a few weeks back...take it away Trevor:- "Six months ago I made what has turned out to be one of my better decisions over the last few years - I joined Progress Gym. Being a mere 57 years young I'd convinced myself that I could only ever "go through the motions" with my training and that nothing would really change. How wrong I was; with help and support from everyone at the gym, including clients, random photographers as well as all of the staff ( with particular thanks to Harry!) I'm feeling better than I have since I can't remember, I'm feeling fitter, stronger, more confident. There's always a warm welcome, staff are all very knowledge and clearly committed to their work - a big thank you to Rob and the team. Long may it continue. Progress - not just a gym, it's a lifestyle - oh and I've lost 4" from my waist. Thank you!" 57! This might help to shatter a few stereotypes that are held about Progress. Here's Trevor's PT Harry Down:- "Trevor joined me early in 2014 with the desire to change the way he looked and felt. His low fitness levels and high body fat percentage had driven him to make a change in the way he was living his life, and seek out help in the form of myself. His progress in under a year has been dramatic and visually he looks completely different. Trevor's defining characteristic however is his drive and open-mindedness. He is willing to try new things, new training styles and continue to do this even when pressured by workload. Also a frequent attendee in the Work:Out classes he is there come rain or shine. Mental attitude, fitness levels and health have all change for the better. Keep up the good work and continue not only to push yourself but also enjoy the experience. Achievements so far include- 6.5kg lost, 4inches lost from naval, 3 inches lost from waist". CONGRATULATIONS Trevor and also to Harry!
August 2014 - Rob Wakeman
Congrats to the winner of Augusts Member of the Month- Rob Wakeman! This is in acknowledgement of his superb dedication, belief and drive to improve himself. Rob is always looking to learn about new methods and apply what he feels are their best elements, whilst holding fast with his belief that 'the basics' should always provide the foundation of any program. Lots of Squats, lots of Deadlifts and lots of effort! Congratulations Rob- you're the August Progress Gym Member of the Month.
September 2014 - Lee Suter
September member of the month is Lee Suter, over to Lee- ‘My name is Lee Suter and i have been going Progress gym since it was established. My goals when i joined the gym was to build myself a better body and improve on my overall health and fitness, which generally i was already quite happy with. It was around the summer of 2011 that i first noticed i was getting a jaw ache when i was doing CV at the start of my gym session and over the coming weeks this quickly progressed to a heavy weight feeling in my chest and a slight throb in my left arm, so, after some research on the internet i come to the conclusion that i was suffering from Angina. I took myself off to the Dr who listened to what i said and immediately sent me for an ECG, the results from this confirmed i was right. The thing was, I had always been relatively fit and i never ticked the boxes of a typical person who I thought would suffer from Angina (fat, overweight, poor diet and lack of exercise) how wrong i was. Over the next couple of weeks or so i was admitted to hospital where i had blood tests and an echocardiogram to confirm just how poor my heart was performing and that i had four blocked arteries, of which three were almost completely blocked. This resulted in me having 3 stents fitted, the 4th artery wasn't too bad and they said and it was also very difficult to stent where it was, angioplasty alone was all that happened to this one. It was approximately 14 months later and on the 27th of December i had a Heart attack, the artery had collapsed due to the artery wall being weakened from the angioplasty treatment where the stent hadn't been fitted, this absolutely devastated me as i thought things had been going well with my recovery. After a short spell in hospital and a 6 week cardio rehab program that followed i slowly got myself back to the gym. The hospital advised that this was to be a slow program and to take things steady as regards to lifting weight. Its been 21 months now just short of 2 years since i had the heart attack and i'm back to where i was before i had these issues with my heart. My recovery has been very steady and Cardio Vascular exercise is a big part of my training now along with compound movements workouts, these work the heart more than just isolation movements but are still part of my program too. One of the most important changes i made was to my diet, this is critical to leading a healthy life along with exercise. I would also like to say that having a heart condition hasn't stopped me from moving forward with my fitness goals and through constant, positive updates, incentives and support provided by Progress Gym ( rob and the team) that has made this all the more easier for me to maintain and i would like to say a big thank you for that. Thanks guys.’ Wow, Health is truly the first wealth.
July 2014 - Mark & Martin Hooper
Running a business can be tough. It can become all-consuming and time for everything can seem to contract and disappear. The (joint) winners of the July Progress Gym Member(s) of the Month are Mark and Martin Hooper. Between them they run a successful licensed premise and have both shown impressive commitment and results over the last few months. Both brothers have Personal Training with Craig and both have significantly improved their body compositions and fitness. Mark and Martin are fittingly business-like in their training- they get in, do the job and get out. Efficient and effective is the name of the game when time is at a premium. Well done guys and well done Craig!
June 2014 - Mike Waller
Doing what I do I get to hear the full range of reasons why people can't make the time to exercise their body. Now reasons are real and are unavoidable. The car breaks down, you got locked out, someone's in hospital. However, excuses just waste YOUR time. 95% of the 'reasons' I hear for someone not exercising end up being 'excuses'. Let me share someone's story with you that might make you reassess next time you think of turning an excuse into a reason and skipping your session. On the 19th of December 2012, Mike was riding his motorbike, on the way to visit his mother. Mike was hit by a lorry and suffered multiple injuries, including 3 open fractures in his left leg. The medical team decided that it was in Mike's best interests to amputate and the leg was removed above the knee. Mike had been in a coma and woke up on Christmas Eve, in Frenchay Hospital, near Bristol. He was in hospital until the following March.When I went to visit Mike his strength of character surprised me, he wasn't down, he was just bored with being stuck in bed. Receiving a prosthetic leg at Easter in 2013, Mike received extensive physio and walking training and was back walking with sticks by June 2013. By September 2013 Mike was back at Progress Gym for one to two sessions per week and by Christmas was up to three sessions per week. Thanks to the unrelenting friendship and assistance of Andrew Brückel Mike had decided that this wasn't going to stop him from doing something he enjoyed. By April 2014 Mike had already returned to work, training and was able to walk unaided. Unfortunately the physical stress of work meant that Mike was suffering with pain to his lower lumber area. After several chiropractic adjustments Mike discovered there was an underlying issue in his shoulder which was causing a weakness to his arm. Mike took a few weeks off the gym to right this issue and has returned to the gym. Mike now gets down to Progress three to four times a week. He's lost a stone since the turn of the year, his waist size is down from a 40 to a 36 and he's out-lifting what he was doing prior to the accident...and THIS is why Mike is Progress Gym's Member of the Month for June 2014. Resilience and determination. Mike, you inspire me.
May 2014 - Glynis Kingston
Member of the Month for May is Glynis Kingston. It’s a shame that there is often be a misguided stereotyping of independent gyms. This is a gym for anyone who’s wanting to Progress, whatever that means to them. It’s not just for ‘bodybuilders’, it’s not just for males and certainly not just for twentysomethings. Glynis is one of the growing number of female members at Progress and over the last 6 months has made some superb improvements to her strength, fitness and body composition. Well done Glynis!
April 2014 - Adrian Nowok
Member of the Month for April is Adrian Nowak. Congratulations go to Adrian for his relentless effort, consistency and application. His focus and determination has bought about some significant changes in the last few months. Well done Adrian!
March 2014 - Lucas Moore
Member of the Month for March is Lucas Moore. Congratulations Lucas- the improvements you have shown in the last few months have been outstanding! Lucas has been a member at Progress for over two years now, but it’s in the last 3 or 4 months that Lucas’ results have really kicked in. I know I repeat the same things over and over at this point, but it’s because they work. Lucas has been consistent and focussed, trains with intensity and structure and is never closed off to asking questions or advice. Keep it up!
February 2014 - Tim Fleetwood
February’s Member of the Month is Tim Fleetwood. Since joining Progress Tim has very quickly become a part of the furniture. His training sessions are regular, focused, structured and therefore productive. Tim is never slow to ask questions, is always receptive to ideas and is a regular client of Craig’s. His food intake has completely changed and his posture has certainly improved for the better. Congrats Tim!
December 2013 - Debbie Hall
December’s Member of the Month has impressed me for quite some time. The changes I’ve seen in her have been nothing short of staggering and certainly not limited to the mere physical. Debbie Hall’s energy levels, outlook and general attitude have soared. I cannot say enough about the changes I have seen in Debbie. Her regular attendance to Craig’s Ladies Only classes has no doubt helped. Couple this with a willingness to want to improve and change and you’ve got a recipe which has served Debbie well. Debbie, keep doing what you’re doing! 🙂