Stewart Thompson
I know, I know- I’ve taken my sweet time, right Stew?! What’s the rush fella? Good things come to those who lift. Stewart Thompson is one of the original crew, on board from way back in 2010 and consistent beyond belief. Juggling full-time career, growing family, home renovation, gym and more beside is no mean feat. Stew makes time for diligent, structured and effective workouts, clearly giving him the build and energy to handle all else on his plate.
Receptive to advice, thoughtful in programming and skilled in execution of each movement, Stewart carries a really good amount of muscle and has done well to fill out his big frame- lend me some Delts Stew? 😉
So, congratulations to you Stewart- you are the May 2018 Progress Member of the Month and proof that it’s possible to spinlots of important plates and still keep a handle on training/exercise.
Thanks Reflex for such an awesome contribution to Stewart’s prize bundle!