Sam Jolley & Liam Tinsely

Sam Jolley & Liam Tinsely

April sees the award of a dual Member of the Month for the first time in my memory!

The two winners lift together, push each other and are always glad to see the other do well. Consistent support of this kind is gold dust! If you can find someone who drives you on to be your best, who congratulates you when you reach new heights and who is consistently reliable- keep hold of them!

Liam Tinsley joined Progress in January 2011, the month after we opened, and has been a rock ever since. Consistent, focused and willing to take on the more complex and challenging movements, Liam has added some serious muscle tissue and strength in his time at Progress. Always a friendly face, it’s a pleasure to have Liam on board.

Sam Jolley trains alongside Liam. Sam’s Progress path has been a varied one- but I’m sure he’ll tell you that he’s now fully ‘on board’. The almost weekly reports on Deadlift PBs, from the two training partners, always brings me a smile. I love our Members seeing results and are so enthused by exercise. Sam keeps Liam on track, Liam keeps Sam on track and they both bring something different to the party. Between the pair of them they’ve done fantastically well, especially the last 12 months. Congratulations Sam and Liam on winning a joint Progress Member of the Month award!

We’ll be happy to hand over your Optimum Nutrition bundle the next time you’re here!