Ryan Gordon

Ryan Gordon

Progress Member of the Month for June is our very own Rhino- Ryan Gordon. Compared to some others Ryan is relatively new to Progress, joining in February 2018. However, what Ryan has achieved in that time is nothing short of astonishing. Ryan’s continued dramatic fat loss coupled with a prodigious increase in ability and strength is testament to some stunning commitment and strength of mind. Some focus on losing fat, some on getting strong- Ryan’s sunk his teeth into both goals and achieved them!

Ryan is sufficiently modest to often be the first to complement fellow lifters on their achievements. Knowing exactly what it takes to see results, he notices and acknowledges those around him who are striving on their own journeys. This is a wonderful trait to have- support builds everyone up.

Working 2 jobs, balancing other life commitments and still finding the time to train effectively and prep/eat in line with his goals means Ryan is able to generate and enjoy results whilst still living his life to the fullest.

Ryan has been modest and savvy enough to employ the assistance of a professional on his journey. Here’s his Personal Trainer, Aaron, with his own words:-

“When myself and Ryan began working together, he had already made a strong start to his progression at a previous gym and was ready to further amp up his training in a new environment. Simply from spending time showing him around the facilities here at Progress I could feel his desire and focus to continue striving forward and it’s fair to say we are well and truly doing that! Ryan’s focus and commitment to his training has been flawless from the moment we began working together, always giving 110% to every session. The 11th if May saw Progress Gym & Dual Strengths first in-house powerlifting competition, something Ryan immediately took and interest in. We diverted our attentions to this, whilst we had spent time develop a solid squat, bench and deadlift, this was a brand new discipline for Ryan. To say he impressed me would be an understatement, very disciplined and methodical throughout the whole build up and day itself, hitting 7/9 lifts! On top of this his measurements continued to improve, getting even leaner whilst developing further strength! Ryan its been a joy to work with you and this recognition of your hard work is truly deserved. I look forward to seeing you progress!”

Charge on Rhino!