Paul Jones

Paul Jones

The December Progress Member of the Month is Paul Jones. Jonesy- wow! Formidable consistency, relentless application, maximum effort and stunning results. Not only all this, but he’s bloody well-mannered too- which is always appreciated! Here’s Paul’s PT, Liam, with some of his own words and check out those measurements!:-

“Paul and I have been working together for almost two years now. Upon joining Progress he had little gym experience, however, together we’ve turned things right around!

During this time we’ve worked closely to improve Paul’s nutritional and training knowledge, enabling him to apply this to his day-to-day life, and time on the gym floor. For Paul’s training we use a consistent combination of resistance training and conditioning over 5 PT sessions a week. No cardio here🙅🏻‍♂️

The results and measurements speak for themselves. I’m very proud to have been a part of Paul’s ongoing weight loss journey and I’m looking forward to seeing what more we can achieve in the coming months!

Nice work, Paul.”

Proud gym owner indeed!

Thanks also to Optimum Nutrition for their continued support of this award!