Nikki Copeland

Nikki Copeland

It’s Member of the Month time and I’ve been looking forward to this one for a couple months now smile emoticon

Nikki probably isn’t the kind of member most non-Progress members assume attends here. I like that. We have members from every possible section of society and I like that too. Not everyone is male, 18-30 and in to bodybuilding- though many are. I like that too.

Abbie and Nikki have worked extremely well together and I think it only fitting Abbie penned a few words about how well Nikki has done since joining Progress…

“Nikki has been determined since she joined Progress Gym in September 2015. Nikki has been a dedicated member and client to both the ladies only classes, during her own sessions and within her Personal Training sessions she has worked hard to gain the body shape that she wants by turning up to each session with a positive attitude and ready to train hard.

I am extremely proud of how much Nikki’s body shape has changed and how strong her cardio and recovery time has progressed within weight sessions, circuits and cardio she has already achieved amazing results.

Well done Nikki here’s to the next year!”

And now to Nikki…

“I joined progress gym in September of last year especially for the ladies only class, though I had concerns that it wouldn’t really be for me. I was at quite a low point and needed something to channel my energy. However, I am now hooked and have really felt the benefits, not only have I lost weight and dropped dress sizes and my whole body has changed shape. I now have a waist which I haven’t had since having my children 19 years ago.

I certainly feel so much better about myself and thoroughly look forward to the Ladies Only class on a Monday. Abbie is a wonderful trainer who never makes anyone feel they can’t do it, her encouragement and professional advice have helped me achieve the goals I have set myself.

Progress Gym is a friendly place with all staff being professional, helpful and friendly. I have been a member of other gyms and never been made to feel as I do here. Very well done Progress- keep up the good work!”

Nikki- CONGRATULATIONS!! You are the Progress Gym Member of the Month for April 2016. Your prizes (thank you Reflex Nutrition) await!

Also- well done Abbie!