Luke and Kerry Brunt

Luke and Kerry Brunt

Now then! I’ve checked back through Progress history and this has only happened once before. This month we have a husband and wife winner of the Progress Member(s) of the Month award!

Full time work for one, self-employment for the other, living outside of Yeovil, 3 children and they still manage to show-up and stand out! Kerry and Luke bring full energy and commitment to Progress. Their commitment to training, PT sessions, classes and more is a pleasure to see, as are the results they generate.

It just goes to show- if you want something bad enough you make it happen.

Congratulations- both of you!

Luke’s PT- Liam Annetts-

“Luke is one of my original clients and it has been a pleasure to work with him over the past 3 years. He’s always extremely devoted, juggling a busy work and family life whilst still religiously attending up to 5 times a week! You can tell how much he enjoys his training, Luke is very receptive and always willing to push himself as far as he can each session!”

Kerry’s PT- Amanda Leonard-

“I started working with kerry as a home client nearly 2 years ago.Completely new to exercise and adamant she didn’t want to Join a gym, yet now she tells me she misses it when she isn’t able to go, smashing classes and every session she does!

Kerry has made massive improvements from day one with posture, balance, co-ordonation and body composition and I admire her determination. It’s truly a pleasure to work with and see someone come on so far with their journey and enjoy the process.

I look forward to our session on Monday!”

Well done to you both- your certificate and prizes are waiting for you in reception.

Thanks Optimum Nutrition for supporting Progress