Kelly Northover
The member of the month for February is Kelly Northover. It gives me a real buzz to see any of my members excelling and seeing the changes they want- but to see a female change so rapidly and so dramatically(in what many still think is a male-only gym) is a superb feeling! Congrats Kelly- you’re doing great! Another HD client too
I’ll hand you over to Kelly’s Personal Trainer, Harry Down…’When Kelly first entered Progress she found the environment an intimidating place. She joined me at HD Fitness and soon started to grow in confidence as well as physical ability. Having suffered with back issues and postural problems prior to starting, she soon started to develop her strength making these a thing of the past. Most recently Kelly has reduced her body fat percentage; lost inches from around her waist, hips and arms; and is continually improving her fitness level. However the change in Kelly that is an inspiration to me and the one I am most proud of is the change in her mindset. She is genuinely disappointed if she is unable to make her gym session; she pushes herself further every time, and has the desire to improve and get better. These changes are her greatest achievement and will push her to reach whatever goal she may set.
Great work Kelly!’”