Gemma Hull
Gemma Hull is one of the original gang- she has been on board with Progress from day1. Something else about Gemma, she’s only gone and earned herself the Progress Member of the Month for March award! As mentioned, Gemma has been a Member for more than 7 years. I’m sure she’ll be the first to admit that attendance was, at times, sporadic. However! The last 12-18 months have really seen Gemma hit her stride with a consistent and focused application. Her embracing of Progress Performance classes Spin (with Kelly Green), ForceFit (with Dan Best) and Coreflex (with Jo and Imogen Fenner) and individual training sessions have seen Gemma really shape up! Her fitness, flexibility and stamina have all improved and it’s been a pleasure to see her getting out of exercise what she’s putting in!
Here’s Gemma’s Personal Trainer, Dan Best/Calibre Personal Training with a few words:-
“Gemma’s been faithfully attending Forcefit and Ladies Only classes for well over a year now and always brings enthusiasm and energy every time she participates. More recently Gemma has been having 1-to-1 sessions. She is hard working, receptive, committed, punctual and keen to learn so that she can understand what we are doing- not just do it.
Gemma has already achieved a lot, in a short amount of time and has developed her knowledge and upper body strength at the same time.
Congratulations Gemma- I always look forward to our sessions!”
Gemma- well done and congratulations on winning this award- you’ve earned it! Your prize bundle and certificate awaits you- supplied by Reflex Nutrition!