Dr Rani Sophia

Dr Rani Sophia

Progress Gym Member of the Month for October 2016 is Dr Rani Sophia. Rani has been a diligent trainer since day 1 and even when fasting her attendance has been consistent. However, the last 6 months or so have seen an intensifying of her efforts and work output. Working alongside Personal Trainer Harry Down, Rani has followed a structured programme with dedication and commitment and the results truly speak for themselves. Greater focus and direction have led to significantly improved movement skills and body composition. All this whilst overcoming significant nerve damage that occurred from a serious fall in 2015.

Here’s Harry with some words about Rani’s achievements…

“Through all her training successes Rani’s motivation and determination to push forward and develop herself never waivers.

This deserved recognition is just one of the many triumphs Rani has achieved training at Progress Gym.

Despite travelling away, injury and lack of equipment she has ALWAYS fulfilled her weekly sessions; investing in her fitness wherever possible.

She has dramatically changed her body shape, with specific mention to the 4 inches lost from her naval. Rani is currently 2kg heavier than when she started yet her body composition has changed for the better.

For those of you who train around those peak hours in the gym, you will have undoubtedly seen her face.

Congratulations on this achievement Rani! There is a lot more to come!”

Thanks to Reflex for supplying a wonderful prize bundle for Rani 