Darren Devlin

Darren Devlin

I am incredibly pleased to announce that the Progress Member of the Month for July is Darren Devlin. Darren is the epitome of what I look for in a Member- friendly, consistent, persistent, diligent, focused and able to ‘flick the switch’ and get down to business. Darren has built a seriously impressive amount of muscle and strength with a sensible and intense training style. No stranger to the burning pain of heavy training, he clearly has no issue taking his mind and body to new levels of intensity. Next time you have the opportunity to watch Darren Squat or Bench Press- take it!

Always making time to speak to those working the desk, Darren also shows patience, selflessness and maturity to make time to enthusiastically encourage and proficiently spot others. He’s a great guy to have around and truly adds to the Progress energy!

Congratulations Darren, you thoroughly deserve your award and Reflex prizes. Well done!