Connor Bridgland
Congrats to Connor Bridgland on winning the August Members of the Month award. Connor had a lull in his training early last year, I thought at one point we’d lost him. An ankle injury had derailed what was, in all honesty, pretty shaky, inconsistent and unstructured training. Here’s where the corner was turned. As the injury healed Connor returned to the gym- vigour was renewed, determination apparent and focus clear. Since then I’ve seen Connor literally grow and literally go from strength to strength. He displays the winning characteristics of consistency, recording workouts, training all body parts and getting done what needs to be done. Cardio doesn’t faze Connor and he’s no stranger to gritting his teeth and grinding out those ‘make a difference’ reps. He’s even inspired father to join and train regularly. Connor- well done, you’re a worthy winner and looking good!