Brian & Yvonne Cowling
It gives me great pleasure to announce joint winners for the Progress Gym Member of the Month award for February 2016.
Brian and Yvonne Cowling have been members of Progress since day 1. Their consistency is formidable, their application incredible and the results- undeniable.
Whatever the weather, whatever the time of year, whatever else is going on in their lives they always make time for themselves to come and exercise. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, pre 7am you’ll find Brian and Yvonne ploughing through a healthy mix of free weights, machines and cardiovascular exercise. They move swiftly from piece to piece and make the most of their time here at the gym. Monday’s session is slightly shorter as Yvonne has to get to her post at Yeovil Hospital, but that doesn’t stop them giving their best for the time that they are here.
Consistency, application and a willingness to learn mean that this couple are a fantastic demonstration of the lifelong benefits of lifting weights and cardiovascular exercise. Brian is 74(and has been lifting weights for nearly 60 years!) and Yvonne is 72 and I couldn’t be more proud. You are never too old to take care of your body.
Progress Gym is proud to have members of all ages and races.
WELL DONE Brian and Yvonne!
Thanks to Reflex Nutrition for their relentless support of Progress Gym