Alex Tavener

Alex Tavener

The May Progress Member of the Month is Alex Tavener. To say that over the last few months Alex’s application has impressed me, would be a stunning understatement. Focused, consistent, determined and absolutely resolute in his attitude to getting what he wants. The amount of fat Alex has lost is testament to his hard work and consistency. That he has also got stronger and more capable at the same time is due to his diligent and intense application to weight training.

When it’s gym time, it’s business time. Alex shows focus and concentration and isn’t afraid to ask for help. PT Liam Annetts has been guiding Alex for the last 4 months and things have certainly turned up a notch. Well done BOTH!

It’s incredible what can be achieved when someone puts their mind to it, when they WANT to.

>>>Thanks to Reflex Nutrition- for their support of our recognition award! The UK’s number 1 supplement company!