David Cox

David Cox

Progress Member of the Month for May is the enthusiastic and youthful David Cox! David is one of the growing number of Senior Members at Progress. He joined at the start of 2018 and has been a consistent and diligent trainer since, always taking time to speak on his way in to the gym. Ably assisted by Kelly Green, of Dynamic Health and Fitness, David has increased confidence, performance and gained some visible results!

Here’s Kelly with her own words:-

‘’This is so well deserved and true example of how age is just a number. David has been training with me for just over a year now. He has issues with his knees and it’s been our aim to work around these issues to allow him to continue to train and keep moving. He consistently joins me in the Spin45 classes and has two PT sessions per week. The key to David’s success is consistency. He always gives 100 percent and it shows in his progress. He has grown from strength to strength and continually surprises me. He is a pleasure to work with and may the laughs continue. Congratulations David.’’

Indeed, David is testament that with application you can see progress, at any age!

Thanks to Reflex for supplying the bulk of the prize bundle too!