Ash Ayre

Ash Ayre

I’d like to take a moment to congratulate Ash Ayre. Not only is Ash the November Member of the Month, but he’s also an inspiration to me. Ash joined the gym back in September 2015, but it’s been since May this year that he’s really taken-off with his consistency of attendance.

Working out doesn’t ‘click’ straight away with everyone. Some people ‘get it’ straight away, for others it takes time. Ash has had training partners come and go, but he’s stuck at it. Here’s the other thing, his level of technique is absolutely first class. I can’t remember ever seeing a sloppy rep, a flaw in technique or something that needed correcting. Ash’s workout form is absolute poetry in motion and, from Personal Trainer/Gym Owner/Bodybuilder perspectives, a pleasure to watch!

Let me tell you something else- and this goes a long way- his manners and gym etiquette. Never underestimate how much myself and the Team appreciate the returning of benches, barbells, plates, dumbbells and all other equipment to the right place. To see a lift completed and the dumbbells returned gracefully to the floor/rack, without any abuse, is also a pleasure/relief! It also means a lot when you guys take a moment to ask how WE are doing.

Ash, congrats on your award and prize bundle. I’m very happy that you choose Progress as your gym and hope this is the case for a long time to come!

Thanks to Reflex for providing the main part of this month’s prize bundle. They are the leading UK’s supplement company.

More than a gym!